The Baratheon Brothers

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The Baratheon Brothers

Things had fallen right where I wanted them to be. Today my uncle Stannis would be arriving to our gates after taking a ship from Dragonstone to White Harbor to bring Tommen and Myrcella to Winterfell.

The children still don't know why they're coming here. Stannis didn't want a single person to overhear and start the war any sooner than it needed to be started.

Renly remained in Storm's End where he was silently building his army and gathering allies out that way and thankfully due to my Uncle Renly being married to Margaery Tyrell we also had Loras Tyrell building an army in Highgarden to support our cause as well.

Robb sent word to his Uncle Brynden, the Blackfish who was in Riverrun and would be preparing his men and armies for us as well. Another ally to add to our list. It was becoming obvious that more houses were joining our cause that we were silently moving in on.

With the connections we had to the Tyrells, we were able to convince the Tarlys of Hornhill too, which meant Randyll Tarly would lead their army. Randyll Tarly was the only man to have ever defeat my father in battle. It was a miracle that he'd agree to side with me and my cause, but surely it was better for him to see my father be thrown off the Iron Throne than to see him sit there much longer.

There were still a few houses we hadn't heard back from and there had been much fear that it was because they'd support my father rather than myself and Robb. We sent a ship with a messenger to Dorne to ask the Martells to fight with us or to at least support us. They had a long history of dislike for the Lannisters and the Baratheons.

House Greyjoy hadn't wrote back so we sent Theon there to speak with his family personally. We sent him with terms that stated this was to finish the rebellion that Balon had started years ago. If he fights with us and takes down my father and the Lannisters then he's also fighting for his independence from Westeros and would be his own king, just as he wanted before.

House Arryn was the house of my Godfather, Jon Arryn. His wife Lysa is the sister of Catelyn Stark. Both who died at the hands of the Lannisters and my father. We didn't hear from Lysa right away until Varys asked for Petyr Baelish to come to Winterfell to which he quickly sent Little Finger on a trip to the Vale to speak with Lysa who from what Petyr tells us, is madly in love with him.

Little Finger should be returning any day now to let us know if Lysa Arryn will be sending her support from the Vale. Everyone in Westeros knew that the Knights of the Vale were a force to be reckoned with.

With the strongest of houses supporting us there would be no way we would be defeated. Northmen were a tough breed but with all the other houses and armies gathering behind our men? My father surely would shit himself and I can't wait to see the look on his face when Robb and I break through the walls of the Red Keep with swords in our hands and blood on our boots from all those we slaughtered to get here.

I didn't imagine myself ever being this excited to see a Baratheon before. I stayed on the upper level of the castle, watching the gates. Waiting to hear the horns blow and know that my uncle and my siblings made it here safely.

Robb came from behind, wrapping his arm around my waist and placing a kiss to my cheek. My hair blew in my face and he took his hand and gently pushed it away and gathered my hair into his strong hands, taking sections and attempting to braid until he ran his fingers back through my long wavy hair and left it alone.

"Sorry-" He muttered nervously, fearful that I'd be upset he'd messed with my hair on such an important day.

But I couldn't be mad at him for just trying to help.

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now