10 Years Later

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10 years later...

I was convinced for so long that I was going to hate everything about Winterfell. That I was going to suffer here. The first few weeks of being here I cried every night. Wanting to go home and be with my mother. What's worse is there had even been a night where I remember crying for my own father.

But that didn't last long until I had begun to really feel like family here. Ned Stark was tall and reminded me much of my father, but softer spoken and not nearly as drunk as my father had always been.

Ned Stark took pride in caring for his children, even his own bastard son. Which I had never known about. But that proved to me the kind of man that Lord Eddard Stark truly was. A good man. A damn good man.

His wife, Catelyn, was just as wonderful. Although it was clear she had a favorite child. And that favorite was Robb, her first born.

And Robb... Robb was the man I had been promised too. When I first arrived here, I was worried they'd throw me to him right away, that I'd be forced to fall in love at only 9 years of age. But the Stark family; they were different.

They were kind and gentle. They didn't force anything between Robb and I, it was funny really, because the moment I met Robb I liked him without knowing he was Robb. I feared that the other boy aside him was the one I would have been promised too. The boy I met that day was Jon Snow, Ned's bastard son.

Robb had always taken my plates and cups for me after meals. He'd heat up fresh water for me for my baths and would make my bed for me each and every day. I never asked for him to do these things, even at 10 years old he had treated like, well, like a princess.

He knew I was a princess and he assumed that was what life in the capital was like for me. But when I was 13 I told him how my mother used to have me make my own bed and clear my own plates. That I'd take plates from my father and sometimes make his bed for him. My mother wanted me to be able to do things for myself so one day I could be a good wife and good mother.

By the time I was 15 I knew I was in love with Robb Stark. He never once stopped treating me kindly. The day I knew I truly had been head over heels in love with him was when the boys were out in the courtyard shooting arrows and practicing with swords, he was with Theon and Jon while I watched from above with Lady Stark and Sansa, Robb's younger sister who quickly became a close friend of mine.

Robb looked to me and smiled. I had smiled back and under his breath, Theon had uttered something about me. To this day Robb won't tell me what he said. All I know is that it caused Robb to bloody his knuckles against Theon's face and break his nose, leaving it a little crooked these days, four years later.

My 20th name day is right around the corner. Robb has already had his 21st name day and we had a large celebration for him.

This morning when Lady Stark came to my room, I assumed it was some sort of surprise for my upcoming name day but I had never been more wrong in my life. She awoke me with tea and sweets, something I knew she did whenever she was coming to break news. News that would make me very unhappy.

"Good morning sweet girl." Catelyn said to me as I rubbed my eyes, the sun coming in through the window as she opened the curtains. "It's beautiful out today."

"Tea and biscuits?" I asked.

She nodded. "They're the cinnamon ones you like."

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now