The Wolf VS The Lion

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The Wolf VS The Lion

The canons fired louder than the thunder just hours before. Men rushing out of their tents, pushing through the crowds to gather their armor and weapons. This could be the last time they see this camp. The final time they see each other. See the stars in the sky as the clouds drift away, the rain washing away the final bits of what Robb and I had done by the river.

The Blackfish directed me to a horse and told me to wait up at the hill with Lord Baelish and Margaery Tyrell and a few others who'd be there just to observe. Before headed to ride up there I looked at Robb.

I knew he'd come back to me. But a piece of me was uneasy. Perhaps this may be the last time I see him alive, breathing in front of me. No matter how prepared we may be, this was still war and still dangerous.

He took my hands into his. Both sets of hands trembling with fear.

"Alana... I love you." He muttered.

"Bring me the Lion alive... I want to deal with him myself. You tell all our men that. They are to bring me Tywin Lannister." I replied.

Robb nodded.

"I love you." I kissed him gently.

He kissed my head as he pulled onto the hilt of his sword. Taking a deep breath and then nodding to me again. Forcing himself to smile.

Robb was followed off by Stannis Baratheon, Great Jon Umber, Lord Karstark, Randyll Tarly, and Lord Royce.

Robb was not a small man at all. But aside all of them, all those Lords who have many of wars and battles under their belts, Robb looked small. Like a lost boy in a crowd in search of his father. They towered over him with all of their experience and might.

But I knew at the end of this battle they'd look like small children compared to him. They'd be the ones who look up to him as though he were there father. As though they were ducklings following after their mother to the pond.

My stomach felt as though it was going to fall right to the ground and get crushed under the stampede of men and horses that were exiting the camp. All of my hopes and dreams being crushed beneath their feet and hooves too.

I climbed onto my horse and rode up to the hill where Petyr Baelish awaited me with one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid my eyes on. She had long chestnut brown hair and wore a gown of a gorgeous blue silk with golden embroidery of roses.

My Uncle Renly surely chose well when he chose to wed Margaery Tyrell.

Along with Lord Baelish and Lady Tyrell was Lord Varys, Uncle Tyrion, and an older woman who sat atop a horse aside Margaery. They wore matching gowns but this woman was far too old to be her mother, I wondered perhaps if it may be another relative.

"Queen Alana," Margaery greeted me. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard many of lovely things about you from Renly, he admires you and loves you deeply."

I nodded with a forced smile.

It was hard to smile and show happiness when just down below the hill all of our men were closing in on the Lannister army.

The sound of swords clashing together and men screaming filled the air. I took in a deep gasp, my teeth chattered together as though the temperature had dropped significantly, although it hadn't. It was only dawn and the air was still warm.

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now