Welcome Home

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Welcome Home


"Good morning!" I cheered happily as I walked into Bran's room with a tray of food and tea for him to break his fast. He sat straight up in the bed and flipped the blanket off himself.

"Alana!" Bran said excited. "Look at my leg! Maester Luwin says it's healed!"

I placed the tray down on a table across the room and walked over to him and touched the leg that had once been broken. He didn't wince from pain, in fact, he smiled greatly at me. He scooted himself to the edge of the bed and then held my hand as he stood up.

His legs shaking for a moment until he steadied himself and released my hand. He stood there for a moment like a baby horse learning how to stand on its own legs for the first time. I took a step back and he turned and took a step toward me. Each step steadier and sturdier than the last.

"Brandon Stark! Gods be good!" I happily cheered. "You're a walking miracle!"

"I can be a knight!" Bran gasped with the largest smile on his face. "I was so scared Alana! So scared I'd never walk away!"

He ran to me and hugged onto me.

"I was scared too my sweet summer child. I was scared too." I huffed softly as I held the boy in my arms.

"Can I ride Dancer today?" Bran asked, jumping in place.

"How about we take it easy and get you used to be on your feet again? Don't want to do too much and end up back in that bed." I replied. "How about you go down the stairs and have some lessons with Maester Luwin, there's much work you need to catch up on."

Bran rolled his eyes and reached in his drawer for his clothes. "Fine. But only because you're telling me to do so. If it were Robb I'd be arguing."

I chuckled and mussed up his hair.

"Your sisters should be arriving at White Harbor today. Isn't that exciting? All you kids back together." I said as I began making his bed for him.

Bran shrugged. "Your attention will go to them... I'll be stuck with Old Nan again." He sighed loudly.

Those words shattered my heart. My smile turned to a frown and I sat on the bed, patting on the blankets for him to sit beside me. The boy plopped down and sighed again. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him close to me.

He looked at me with his soft doe eyes and still was frowning. Lip quivering as his eyes grew tears in them.

"Brandon, why would you think such a thing?" I asked. "I will divide my attention evenly between all of you children. My day will be a bit busier now but it'll be all worth it just to have the four of you under the same roof again. Home in Winterfell, safely."

"Sansa will be all over you and I know she's going to cry the entire time about missing Joffrey. She can't marry him now; father won't let her. She may even blame you and I know you Alana, you'll try to fix it and you'll spend days maybe even weeks attending to her every need just to make up for it." Bran dropped his shoulders and exhaled again.

"And Arya- she'll be upset too. She may not clutch to you but she'll clutch to Robb and he'll get annoyed like he always does. Arya only clings to him because Jon isn't here. Forget Rickon- that boy never leaves you be. I'm shocked he isn't attacked to you right now. Surely he's outside crying for his Mama."

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now