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When Bran woke from his long sleep he had been weak. Just over a month of no food or water after such a long and hard fall was no good for his health. Maester Luwin advised him to stay in bed for another work so he could slowly eat and heal, getting the rest he would need to build his strength again.

It had been my turn to stay with Bran during the night. Fluffing his pillows and fetching water for him when he was thirsty. Telling him stories to put him to sleep and keeping his fire going so he wouldn't catch cold or a fever.

On the nights that it would be my turn to watch over him Robb would keep Rickon in the bed with him and by instinct, every hour Robb would be standing in the doorway, checking on me to be sure that I was okay. Which I always was.

This morning had been no different. Aside from Bran being extra grouchy.

"My legs hurt." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "I want to get out of this bed!"

Bran had broken his leg when he fell and the other was still bruised and healing. Maester Luwin said it was a miracle that he would even be able to feel his legs after a fall like that. Let alone be able to even use them again. But here Bran was, defying all the odds that had been against him.

"We've discussed this Brandon; you cannot get out of this bed until your broken leg has healed. Maester Luwin said another week or so then you can try to put pressure on it and see how it feels." I replied.

Trying not to get short with him but it was hard staying up all night in that chair. The same chair that Lady Stark had sat up in many of nights. It was no wonder she had nearly lost what was left of her mind as she sat there.

"I want to put pressure on it now! I bet it's healed!" He huffed and puffed. Crossing his arms and pouting his lips.

All I wanted to do was laugh at him as he tried to argue with me.

"Fine. I'll call Robb to help you-"

"Actually..." Bran drifted off in his words. The tough leaving his body and soon he melted back into the bed. "I don't want to try anymore. I think you're right Alana, I need to rest my leg a few more days."

I nodded.

Just as I thought.

When Bran had woken up he was angry that both his mother and father had been gone. His anger was justified. Imagine waking up from a fall only to find that your father had left rather than staying to be sure you'd live while he takes your sisters away too. And then for your mother to up and leave just a week before you're awake.

I was angry for him.

The morning he woke up he thrashed and cried. He pushed Robb away and wanted everyone out of the room. He wanted to be alone.

But when my hand touched the iron handle of the door he called out my name and asked softly for me to stay.

The rest of the day I laid in bed with Bran. Holding his head as he cried and wiping away all of his tears. Telling him when his father left. When Jon left. When Lady Stark left. And everything else in between.

"Alana," Bran said to me as I folded up a blanket I was knitting. "Why did my mother leave? Did she tell you?"

I shrugged. "All she told me was to look after you and your siblings. Arya and Sansa should be home soon too."

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now