The Rains of Castamere

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The Rains of Castamere



Riverrun wasn't what I had expected at all. Neither was Ser Brynden the Blackfish. He had grown a bit rougher with his age. Less tolerant of anyone and anything they had to offer. His voice was tough and gritty with each word he spoke.

But I sat blank on every meeting we held. My mind and thoughts were left behind in Winterfell. Left with the children the night I tucked them into their beds and said goodbye to them. Telling each of them a secret to keep between the two of us. Making them promise to me they'd behave for Jon and Ygritte, that they'd do all they're asked to do. And that they'd never forget me should fate bring us apart.

I thought my hardest goodbye was to be with Rickon, but I had been wrong. It was Sansa who I'd had the hardest goodbye with. She had grown very attached to me. Begging and pleading for me not to leave her. Even following me to the gates, crying until she could hardly breathe, begging for me to stay.

"We march toward Lannisport on the morrow." Blackfish grunted to Robb. "Lord Baelish has the Knights of the Vale about half a day out from here, by the time we get to Casterly Rock, they'll have arrived also. Greyjoy should be circling in with his fleet within the next few days and Lord Renly is marching from Hightower as we speak."

"Good." Robb muttered and then looked at me as I stood by the window. Looking out at the water.

"Lady Catelyn used to stare out the window too, Your Grace." Blackfish said softly. "For a moment seeing you standing there, I thought my niece was in the window again. Waiting for her father to return from war."

I swallowed heavily. Not once looking away from the window. Counting the clouds in the sky as the birds sang loudly. Trees dancing in the window and the water glistening in the sunlight.

"I wonder," I said softly. "Are the children staring out the windows of Winterfell waiting for us to come home? Are they gazing off in the distance counting the trees until they've counted them all. Listening to the ravens sing as they bring news, but not news of our return, just of us going further away?"

Robb approached me, placing a strong hand to my shoulder, and kissing my head. I breathed in his scent and found comfort in him being so close to me. His hot breath down my neck as I stared out the window.

"Which is why we must march on the Lannister army now. Take down Tywin Lannister, the puppet master, once and for all. Once he's gown it'll be easier to take down Robert Baratheon. You remove the Master who's playing the strings then the puppet drops... Unable to make a move." Robb breathed into my ear.

I bit my lip and squeezed my legs together. Holding in the urge to jump on him in this very room. I was pulsing for him. A warm, wet, heartbeat in between my legs. My own wetness sliding down my thigh at the feeling of Robb's words hitting my ear as close as they had.

I breathed out a soft moan, sliding my tongue across my lips, although they dried instantly from the breeze that came in the window immediately after. Sucking in the fresh air, I turned my head to Robb who flashed a smile at me.

He knew what he was doing to me.

"How long will it be until we are at Casterly Rock?" I asked trying to change the tune, to fix the feeling that rested in my lower stomach. The need of Robb inside me, I couldn't focus if it remained.

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now