One Month Later...

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One Month Later...

            I don't think I've had a moment to myself in the last week. But today has been the worst by far. Today the scouts have let us know that the King, my Father, is just hours away and will be here by midday.

            Hearing this makes me feel weak, like the breakfast I had this morning would just come right up again. What's worse is the tea that Lady Stark brought up to my chambers this morning already did. I had been retching out my window and realized that I had spilled my thrown tea all over Theon Greyjoy.

            I quickly backed away from the window and fell to my knees on the floor. I had stopped retching but my stomach had been in a knot. My hands sweaty and body covered in chills. Maybe 10 years ago I would have been happy and excited to see my family. To hear the Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister were on their way to see me. To attend my wedding to Robb Stark, but that was less than what I had wanted now.

            Shockingly, I could live the rest of my life without seeing them again.

            They left me here.

            They threw me away like a piece of rubbish.

            If it weren't for the Stark family, especially Robb, I would have lost my mind missing my family and wanting to be with them again. But that was long gone now. I had a new family. A family who had made many of memories with me. Ones that I'd never have had with Robert and Cersei or Joffrey and Myrcella. And as word has spread, my other brother, born a year after I departed, Tommen.

            Truthfully, that had hurt me the most. The fact my parents could send me across the continent and then a year later welcome another child into this world. The thought of it made my fists bawl up.

            The Septa came to my room to help me into my gown for the day. She had a habit of never doing my corset tight enough so after she'd get me dressed I'd go to Lady Stark who would tighten it perfectly for me.

            Sansa would then come to me for the same reason.

            As I walked down to the common hall where we spent many of days together, sitting by the fireplace was little Rickon. I sat on the floor with him, sitting on my knees. He had been playing with a wooden horse and a wooden knight.

            "I'm going to be a knight when I grow up!" He told me proudly.

            "And a fierce knight you will be!" I mussed up his hair. "What's the name of your horse?" The small wooden toy in my hand, I looked at the horse and smiled. Joffrey had one much like it when he was a child and used to carry it with him everywhere.

            "Her name is Meadow-"

            "Just like my horse that's out in the stable?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

            Rickon nodded. "Your Meadow is so pretty."

            Meadow was a gift that Robb had given me the day we began our courtship when I was 16 years of age. He wanted to make a lasting impression and he knew jewelry and clothing was not the way to my heart. Robb wanted to gift me something he knew I'd love and use daily. He sure had been right about that.

            Before Meadow I would take his horse for rides through the woods and sometimes we would even sneak off together on his horse. Most days now it's just Meadow and I, at least it's like that until I hear the sound of another horse coming through the trees and see Robb with a basket to surprise me with a picnic. He thinks he's clever but he does it almost daily. It's a routine now.

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now