All Hail Prince Jacerys, Heir to the Iron Throne

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All Hail Prince Jacerys, Heir to the Iron Throne


Alana's POV


Jacerys could finally walk on his own. Holding onto nothing more than just a finger as he stumbled his way through the castle halls. His laugh and little voice echoing as he'd shout and play. It was my favorite sound in the world.

Today we stood in the Throne Room, myself seated on the Iron Throne as Robb stood beside me proudly. Jacerys on my lap as each and every Lord and Lady had been presented to him. Swearing their fealty after Robb and myself had bent the knee to our own son and Gods, that was such a beautiful moment.

Robb and I had decided months ago to do something to honor those of House Targaryen and with the help of Dany it all worked. Things had been so much more peaceful here and even Robb and myself seemed to stop fighting. There had been less shadows following and creeping around us too.

We moved some of the Dragon skulls to be on display outside of the Red Keep. A place where people could light candles and say a few words to the dragons and their riders who lost their lives. Dany's dragons seemed to like the idea too and even they would be found laying there sleeping soundly aside the remains of their ancestors.

In the throne room we decided to hang tapestries. Of the kings and queens of the past no matter if they had been good or bad. Their memory still rested in these halls and rooms, naming a few buildings and hills after them was not enough.

In the courtyard we had stones put up with the names and years of those who lost their lives in King's Landing to pay tribute and respect to them. Again, even if they had been executed for wrong. Or so- accused of wrong.

Flowers had been laid down multiple times a day, sometimes piling up so high you could hardly see some of the names closer to the bottom. Candles being lit around the stones too. My favorite of all the things we had done, aside from cleaning up the city and making sure all citizens were fed and clothed. Clean and had plenty of water.

Was the statues we had made for those we loved most. Those who gave everything for us to be where we are today.

A statue at the Sept of Baelor of Eddard and Catelyn Stark, in the exact spot where Robert Baratheon called for their heads. Another at the gates of King's Landing of my Uncle Renly and one at the harbor, overlooking all the ships was my Uncle Stannis. That one had become my favorite because it is one that I see when I look out the window of my chambers. He is the last thing I see at night out that window and the first thing I see each morning when I look out there.

To say there was a curse of the Iron Throne could be a reach. But I believe the spirits of those who come before were restless and unhappy. Their memory was stuck and their emotions bled out onto everyone who entered the Red Keep.

Since making these changes, things have gotten better for nearly everyone.

I looked at the crowd of people who were flooded into the now so beautiful throne room. One that was no longer the place that frightened me as a child when I'd come in here to see my father, angry and drunk sitting the throne. It was lighter. There was a brightness and joy that came with you as you whisked yourself in here.

Everyone who stood in here was happy and full of life. Joyful and glowing. Sansa had forgiven Joffrey and even began to court him again, this time no one pushed either of them to do so. Joffrey decided that Sansa was more important to him than being a King's Guard so as Tywin's heir to Casterly Rock he began to study more on the home of the Lannisters and watch what my grandfather did during small council meetings to learn all he can from him before his time comes to an end.

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