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I couldn't wait to be rid of the Baratheon family. To see my father's wheelhouse and soldiers leave. The only thing that sucked was saying goodbye to my sister Myrcella as well as Sansa and Arya.

Sansa was sad that she'd be leaving so soon but she was thrilled to see the south, to see where I had been born and raised for the first half of my life. My name day had passed shortly after the wedding but there was no time for celebration.

Bran had a terrible accident and fell from a tower he was climbing. I sat by his bedside when Lady Stark needed to take a break. Robb took over doing all the Lordly things that Ned had done before. Lady Stark was then attacked trying to fight off someone who was coming to assassinate Bran.

It all happened so fast. The fall. The girls leaving with Ned. Saying goodbye to my father and mother. Who didn't seem to even care that they may never see me again. I knew they would never make the journey back up north and I surely did not want to travel south. Not for them to be miserable or treat me less than what I deserve.

Most days though I had been followed around by Rickon. He was confused and didn't understand where his sisters had gone and why his father had left either. His own mother seemed to have forgotten about him as she spent day and night with Bran aside from the few short hours she'd rest or Robb would bring her to dinner. But even then, it was a fight and she'd usually eat by Bran's bedside.

Robb and I awoke in the middle of the night to Greywind hopping off the bed and staring at the door. Sniffing the open air and then crying for us to open the door. Robb assumed he needed to go out and use a tree but standing behind the closed door was little Rickon, crying and clutching a blanket in his hands.

"Come on," Robb said tired.

Rickon climbed into the center of the bed and laid between us, the moment his head hit the pillow he was knocked out and snoring away. So peacefully.

I looked at Robb who shared the same tired glare.

"You need to say something to her." I said softly.

"She's my mother." Robb argued. "I told you already she's hurting-"

"Her son is hurting too. Surely she has remembered that Bran isn't her only child right? Rickon is only 4 years of age. He doesn't understand and all he knows is that he wants his mother and father." I argued back. Gritting my teeth as I spoke, trying not to be too loud.

Robb sighed loudly.

We'd been having this disagreement for nearly a week now. Each time I told him he needed to speak to his mother about Rickon and how it was all affecting him but he'd insist on putting it off until Bran awakens. His other way of avoiding talking to his mother is just dealing with Rickon and taking him on as another responsibility.

He knew my heart was too big and that I could never put a child out. Especially a child who was just lost, confused, and lonely. A child who I once was. When I first came to Winterfell. Those first few months I had felt exactly like Rickon does now and he is far younger than I was at the time.

"Get some sleep Alana, he's an early riser. You know that."

I rolled my eyes and then sunk myself down into the feather bed and pulled the furs up to make sure Rickon was nice and warm. The air had gotten colder and the breeze stronger, seeping in through the cracks in the doors and open balcony. The fireplace could only keep us warm for so long until the flames would go out.

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now