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King's Landing, Westeros

Robert, my husband, sat at the head of his high table. Staring intently at me. My long golden curls draped over my shoulder as I stared back at him from the other end of the table. I didn't know what to say to him.

Our eldest son, Joffrey, sat between us and my uncle, Kevan had just arrived with news that war has broken out in the Realm. The realm that I, as Queen, have sworn to protect. That my husband, the King, has been sworn to protect.

But how could we protect a realm that we didn't know was even under attack? My childhood home, Casterly Rock, was the first to be attacked. My father, Tywin Lannister and my brother, Jaime Lannister, were both taken as prisoners.

By whom, you may ask?

My own daughter... Alana Baratheon, who has since married Robb Stark. They claim themselves King and Queen in the North and have gathered allies across the Realm. Aside from taking my father and brother as their wards of war, their own hostages, I'd say I'm rather proud of my girl, it's the Lannister in her that makes her thirsty for power. And the Baratheon in her that makes her blood thirsty.

Robert was not pleased at all.

"She wants the bloody throne? Well- I'll give her it alright! Have I not given the girl enough? All her life I've given her gold and jewels and riches! All she could ever ask for! I even gave her a Stark for a husband and this is how she repays me? The little cunt she is!" Robert shouted.

Joffrey recoiled. Frightened by his own father.

"Robert, she's our daughter." I hissed to him from across the table.

"And she's started her own bloody rebellion! She won't be as lucky as I was I'll tell you that one! Her and the Stark boy- both their heads will be on spikes!"

I slammed my fist down onto the table. "I will not stand for this!" I hissed at him. "That is my daughter! My first-born child! I labored her for 3 days before she came out. I had her on my breast for a year and a half! You will not lay a finger on her!"

Robert shot a glare to our son.

"What do you think boy? Since you're the only one on my council these days."

Joffrey swallowed back all the nerves. He looked up to his father but now he was being forced to side with me or to side with his father. Joffrey was a good boy, a smart boy, and loyal to me. Loyal to our family. But he knew the pain he'd endure if he went against his father.

"Let me reason with her father, she is my sister..." Joffrey replied shakily. "P-Please father. I can get her to end all of this. She can be exiled to Pentos or Essos, hide with Daenerys Targaryen and we can send Robb Stark to the Wall with his bastard brother."

Robert roared. "The bastard left the Wall! Brought Wildlings with him! Do you not pay attention boy? We're at war! This is what I've prepared you all your life for and you think it's a joke! You think we can reason with that girl? She's not like us! She's become a Northerner!"

Joffrey shrunk down in his chair, his green eyes staring at me for help. I straightened my spine and sipped from my wine and glared back at my husband. The man I had been forced to marry. I was disgusted by him.

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now