Tyrion and the Spider

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Tyrion and the Spider


Word came quickly from both King's Landing and the Northern Bannerman. Our men would be arriving within the next day or two. The ones closest to us had arrived last night but we still had to wait on all of them before hosting the feast to announce all of our plans.

Today my Uncle Tyrion would be arriving with negotiations from King's Landing. I paced the grounds picking at my gloves. The threads falling apart and blowing away in the cold Winterfell breeze.

Rickon ran across me, I nearly tripped over my own two feet as he passed by so quickly. I caught myself and stiffened my spine, releasing a deep breath loudly when I heard Robb's voice from behind as he yelled at Rickon.

"You almost tripped Alana!" Robb shouted. "You need to watch where you're going!"

I turned around and breathed in the cold air.

"He's just a boy," I said to Robb. "Leave him be."

"Don't make excuses for him." Robb scoffed. "Do you want him to end up like Theon?"

Theon was standing only a few yards away with Bran, helping him shoot the arrows at the targets. He then turned his head and furrowed his brows.

"What did I do now?" Theon asked, angry and confused.

Bran shrugged and then shot the arrow. A perfect shot.

"Well done!" I clapped.

"Don't change the subject." Theon grit through his teeth. "Someone tell me why my name had been mentioned so loudly?"

Robb's eyes burned with anger. He narrowed them and chewed his lip for a moment. "I was telling my wife that Rickon should be taught manners and not be a wild child who has no knowledge of rules. Like you."

"I behave just fine." Theon scoffed.

"That what your mother told you as a child?" Robb argued.

"Don't know." Theon shrugged. "Your father stole me-"

I'd already had enough. Theon's constant complaining and reminding of us how he doesn't belong here. How Winterfell isn't his home and how badly he wishes to return to the family that he scarcely remembers as is.

Theon had already been here in Winterfell for a year when I arrived. For years he talked down to me as though I was beneath him. He didn't see me as a Princess because why would a Princess of the Seven Kingdom's be sent to Winterfell of all places?

He couldn't wrap his small mind around it.

Not until we were finally teenagers and he saw that there was a real and true connection between Robb and I.

The day Robb's fist met with his face. Shutting him up about me once and for all.

When he spoke to Robb at least.

Jon made it obvious that the two of them shared many of conversations about me. But I didn't care to hear a single word from Ned's Bastard and the Ward of War that was Theon Greyjoy. He had no right to speak of me. Neither of them did, truthfully.

"Enough!" I shouted. "Neither of you are helping my nerves right now!"

"You just saw your Uncle a few months ago, why're you so nervous now?" Theon rolled his eyes and shook his head.

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now