The Wolf

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The Wolf


Uncle Stannis returned today with more men than he had left with. A sense of relief, truly. Knowing that our army had grown even more. At the head of the men riding aside my Uncle was Jon, Robb's brother.

Jon's hair had grown longer and he too had taken to growing a bit of a beard. He carried new scars with him and a bit more of a distaste for me when he saw me. Jon had grown less pleasant to be around than he had been before. Even the children noticed and didn't want to be around him as much anymore.

"He's miserable!" Sansa complained days later in my chambers as I brushed and braided her hair back away from her face. "I asked him if he was glad to be out of the Night's Watch and he growled at me! GROWLED!" Sansa explained.

"Sansa, my dear, I'm so sorry-"

"Mama you need to speak with him! I can't go on like this! He nearly made Rickon cry this morning at breakfast!" She went on to tell more. "Jon heard Rickon refer to you as Mama and Robb as Father and Jon told him that our parents are dead and to stop this foolishness. Arya told Jon he was the fool and Bran said he had no right to speak on things he knows nothing about."

"Robb and I will have a talk with Jon." I said as I tied off the last bit of her hair with a small bit of yarn that I had made into a circle, easy to wrap around the hair to tie it off. "If and only if it continues then you have my permission to step in and say something to him."

"Yes Mama." Sansa nodded.

As I finished tying off her hair, she stood up and looked at me with much admiration. But little did she know that I admired her much more than she could ever admire me. She was strong and brave for all she'd already been through. Dealing with the Lannisters and for escaping when she did. For keeping a close eye on Arya all that time while also protecting herself.

Sansa was selfless and I wished I could be more like her.

Rather, at this moment I was being selfish. Selfish only because I knew that my rage and my demand for the throne would be a better life for these children. All of them, Tommen and Myrcella included.

When I made my way down the courtyard I saw Jon with the boys he had brought down with him from the wall. Some of which were Wildlings, although most would fear them, I didn't. I knew they'd be good fighters and so long as they were fighting with us and not against us we'd be okay.

Robb was standing in the center, Hands on his hips, one hand resting tightly onto the hilt of his sword. His curls bouncing in the winter breeze. Majestic, truly. He had been speaking with my Uncle Stannis and Theon, who had his uncle Euron at his side.

I approached slowly; my Uncle nodded to me with a smile whilst Theon only rolled his eyes. Robb bit his lip and raised his brows at me. Smiling and blushing as I came to his side. Theon's uncle purring as he said my name.

"Queen Alana," His flashed a smile. "How nice to finally meet you."

I reached my hand to him and he pressed his lips to the top of my hand. I did best to hide my displeasure from him but Robb could tell easily how much of a discomfort it caused me. Robb cleared his throat loudly, causing Euron to retract and then all he shared with me after was a grin. A grin that made my stomach churn.

He was worse than Theon.

At least Theon could at times hide the look in his eyes of how badly he wanted to fuck me. Euron couldn't make the look fade, not even the slightest. I could feel the heat bubbling in Robb's veins. The darkened look in his eyes as Euron's eyes scanned my body.

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now