Curse of the Iron Throne

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Curse of the Iron Throne



"No, you're not rolling your r's enough!" Daenerys said to Robb as we sat at the painted table in the council room. "You're awful at this!"

Robb huffed and puffed and shook his head, trying again at the words that Dany was slipping from her tongue. At the start of the new year Robb decided he wanted to learn a new language. He chose to learn Valyrian and asked for Dany herself to teach him, although he has not been the most patient or willing to do so.

"I'm trying!" Robb argued. "I think I'm really good and you think I'm horrid!"

Dany rolled her eyes then crossed her arms. She looked at Robb again and raised a brow as a smirk curled onto her lips. "Tell me something in Valyrian and I will leave you alone. For now at least."

"Nyke'm rusir rinnykea." Robb said with a matching smirk.

Dany clapped her hand to her forehead and grunted with disapproval. "You just told me that you're with child."

I laughed loudly as Robb's face reddened. "Congratulations are in order! You're clearly glowing."

"Shut up." Robb hissed in embarrassment. "We have more important things to worry about, is that not why we're all here?"

I nodded.

"We have a ceremony to plan to present our son as heir to the Lords and Ladies of the Kingdom. I believe all the ravens have been sent out?" I gleamed at Robb as our son was already halfway to his name-day. We hoped that by the time everyone arrives to King's Landing it will be just in time for him to be a year old.

Daenerys smiled and giggled like a child. "Oh I love that boy, he is just a little sweetie, the way he just curls up in your arms and wants to love on you, oh I don't ever want him to grow up!"

"Neither do I." My mother said from across the table, pulling out a chair and sitting down. Tension filling the room between she and Robb, as my mother refused to leave after Jacerys was born. Robb was also angry that my mother and I chose the name and Robb did not have his way of naming him Eddard.

Mother sat at the other end of the high table and smirked at Robb as she reached for a cup of wine. Bringing it to her lips and taking a sip before placing it back down.

"Why are you here, Lady Cersei?" Robb grit through his teeth.

"My daughter is the Queen and I am welcome at her small council meetings." She shrugged and then looked to my grandfather who sat within reach of her right hand. "Hello, father. Beautiful day today... Is it not?"

My grandfather was the least bit amused with her. "Prince Jacerys's tourney for his first name-day and celebration of becoming heir will be held on the same day. He will be presented and each Lord and Lady will bend the knee and take oath to their future king. Starting with Alana and then Robb."

"Why Alana first?" Robb raised his brow.

"She is the Queen and you are simply a consort. You'll do your best to remember that... Your Grace." Tywin's words shot like arrows into Robb's chest.

Robb huffed a deep breath. "I meant no disrespect. I just simply wondered why his father would not bend the knee to him first."

"Father or not, the one who rules the Kingdom is first to swear fealty. You simply rule from the sidelines." Tywin replied.

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