The Bells

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The Bells


Alana's POV

Robb was the leader. Charging forth with our army at his back following his every command. They obeyed their king and looked to him for any and all guidance. He finally looked like a true warrior, a true king, as he held Ice in the air and sliced through Lannister men and the Golden Company.

Daenerys swooped down and Drogon took a bite out of a group of Lannister men who were ready to load a large crossbow at her. He left nothing but dust where they had been before he swallowed them whole.

I worried that I'd rule over a kingdom of ash with not one, but three dragons in this battle. That they'd burn my people and burn the city to ground. But Daenerys made it clear they were to do no such thing, that not a single spit of fire was to be unleashed unless it was toward the ships in the harbor, but the Greyjoy fleet was taking care of that.

On my left was Tywin, riding strong and proudly. Lannister men looked at him and fell confused to see him beside me. He commanded them to drop their weapons, or he'd drop them to the ground. Most men complied but there had been a stubborn few.

"Coward!" One man barked out.

To my right, was my Uncle Renly, who swooped down from his horse quickly and with one swing of his sword cut the man's head clean off. He didn't even have time to look frightened as his head rolled there had still been a smirk on his face. His lips still curled into a grin.

Another man sneered. "We will not bow to a traitor nor a false Queen! We are loyal to King Joffrey and Queen Cersei!"

Renly grabbed him by the throat and lifted him into the air with one hand. It shocked me as Renly had never been the aggressor. He usually ran with his tail between his legs away from any and all battle. But here he was in all his glory, defending me. Just as he always promised me that he would.

"Call me niece a false queen again," He grit through his teeth and cocked his head to the side, a chuckle leaving his tongue. "Do it boy."

The man spat in Renly's face, and it dripped down his cheek. Renly didn't flinch. Tywin cracked his neck and took a step forward to intimidate the soldier into kneeling before me. But it was too late. He had already taken a knife from his waist and dug it into Renly's chest.

Blood sprayed from Renly's heart, and he lost his grip on the man's throat, dropping him to the ground as he fell to his knees. His nose and mouth poured with blood as his chest continued to burst. His heart releasing all its contents onto the filthy streets of King's Landing.

I ran to my uncle's side, holding his face in mine as he choked, trying to breathe but all he could do was wheeze. Tears and fear both rested in his eyes, and I hated how much he looked like Stannis right now.

"Give Stannis my love, please..." I said softly. "Tell him I love him, Renly. And you too..."

Renly nodded and went to speak when he choked on blood and his body went limp. His eyes frozen with fear and horror. This time I didn't feel just sorrow for losing my uncle. I felt rage. Anger. Hatred.

I turned toward my grandfather who without a second thought had taken the man by the hair and then sliced his throat so deeply that his head came completely off. Tywin took the head and slammed it to the ground, and it burst. No longer looking like human remains.

"Dragon food now." He grunted. "Come along, Alana. We've got to move toward the castle. Get your mother to surrender. I didn't expect her forces to be so ballsy."

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now