King and Queen of the North

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King and Queen of the North

"Alana you can't avoid me forever." Robb said to me the following morning.

I sat at the vanity in our room, brushing my fingers through my hair and then adding a stain to my lips with the tip of my middle finger. Gently blotting the stain to my lips. I gave him a side eye through the mirror and didn't even bother to turn my head as he spoke to me.

"It was never about the money." Robb continued to explain himself.

Last night I told myself I wouldn't hear him out but I knew eventually that I'd have too. And Robb made it clear as soon as he opened his eyes that he wasn't going to give up. As angry as I wanted to be, I couldn't deny that I admired this about him. His determination to fix this between us.

"Then what was it about?" I said in such a calm voice as I then wiped the remaining stain that was on the tip of my finger onto a rag that laid on the vanity's table.

Robb sucked in a deep breath that was shaking and trembling. He stood silently for a moment before composing himself in order to give me an explanation. "I was a child Alana." He paused again, taking a long blink and then looking back at me. "I was only 10 years of age when my mother and father sat me down and told me that I'd be meeting my wife within the next month. A boy who had so much responsibility placed on his shoulders. When Robert told me I'd be getting money each month that I'd be with you, I didn't care. Do you want to know what that money has been used for?"

I stared at him and did nothing but just blink.

He sighed loudly.

"Your wedding gown. Your wedding ring. The horse I gifted you for your 16th name day. I never used that money on anything aside from you because money didn't matter to me. What didn't get spent on those things is sitting in a vault for you to spend however you please. Or to save for our children someday. I never cared about the money."

"You didn't?"

"No." Robb gave me a tired smile. "I only ever cared about you."

He took his pointer finger and placed it under my chin, making me look up at him into those beautiful blue eyes of his. Bright like the summer sky. I could stare at them for the rest of eternity.

"And I will care for you until the day I die." He added.

I bit my lip as he ran a hand down my arm. Still lost in his eyes. I shivered at his touch, feeling my spine arch as I shifted my hips toward the edge of the seat I had been sitting on. Robb's touch was gentle and soft as Dornish silks.

As Robb's lips grazed mine there had been a knock on the door. Robb and I both scoffed, feeling defeated. Just as we'd made up there had been someone to interrupt us. That was when the knocking became harder and faster. An urgency.

Robb kissed my cheek before walking across the room to answer the door. Watching him walk away, I didn't want him to be walking toward the door. I'd much have rather preferred for him to have been strutting to the bed and flipping back the covers, asking for me to join him for a rainy day in bed.

Maester Luwin stood with a letter in his hands. A shattered look in his eyes.

Robb turned to me and waved his hand softly to motion for me to follow him. I gathered my skirts and moved across the room, standing in the doorway with he and Maester Luwin. Robb took the letter into his hand and then crumbled it in his hands.

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now