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Every single time it just got better and better. Robb carried me in his arms, cradling me like a newborn baby up the stairs from the great hall. After a night of celebrating the lives of both Lord and Lady Stark, to celebrating myself as Queen and Robb as King.

We all agreed this now meant war.

Robb and I may have had a bit too much wine tonight, but it made it all the most better. Because the wine still didn't make me as drunk as his kiss did. It was intoxicating. He kicked the door open with his foot and then tossed me onto the bed. I quickly undressed myself while he locked the door and prepared the fire.

Unbuttoning his own shirt and kicking his boots across the room before he dropped his pants to the floor completely. My core ached with emptiness and throbbed for him. But as he stood there, drinking another cup of wine, I couldn't wait for him to come to the bed.

Completely nude, I spread my legs wide open facing Robb as he stood by the end of the bed.

He grunted happily at the sight, a slight moaning slipping out of his throat. I watched as his cock twitched, already hard as can be.

I took my two fingers and sucked on them for a moment, getting them soaked with my own spit before slowly dragging them down to my core, my eyes locked on Robb as he gawked in amazement.

The tips of my fingers slowly circled around the most sensitive spot of my core. Causing me to drip slightly down onto the blankets. My other hand ran through my hair as I tossed my head back, while the hand that was down below, then slid into me. I pumped slowly and made sure that Robb could hear what just looking at him had done to me.

"My queen-" Robb moaned softly. "You are mine."

"Yours," I breathed out to him.

"Allow me." He moved across the room, he knee on the bed ready to climb atop of me when I took my foot and pressed it to his chest playfully, pushing him away. Still pumping my fingers inside of myself. "No?" He smirked. "You like to touch yourself for me then?"

I nodded and bit my lip.

"Have it your way then, my queen. I'll be right here watching you until you finally beg for me to fuck you." His voice a low growl that was slightly slurred from the wine.

I felt a rush through my veins. Pure bliss. My legs shook and I screamed out for my love, begged for him to come closer to me. To feel his touch on my skin as I orgasmed for him. This had all been for him anyways, for him to see what he does to me. How my body craves him.

Robb crawled up my body, his large member pressing against the outside of my core as he fell chest to chest with me. Our breathing became in sync as our chests rose and fell like the waves in the ocean together. His lips so close to mine but our kiss was a miss as Robb slid himself so deeply inside of me.

I cried out in pleasure while Robb moaned loudly. Grunting with each thrust, pumping himself in and out. Sliding himself all the way out, so just only the tip of himself was still in me. He'd then slam himself back into me. Sending me further back onto the bed. My spine arching as I rose slightly off the mattress.

"Gods, I could fuck you like this forever." Robb moaned in my ear. His slurred voice deep and gritty.

"Shut up and fuck me then." I dug my nails into his back.

"Do I need to remind you that you're speaking to a king?" He jested as he took his thumb, pressing my lips open and tilting my head back slightly. "Do I need to punish you?"

BLIZZARD: The Lone Wolf VOL2 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now