11: A Fresh Start (2/2)

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Once at the store, you began to grab some of the essential things you'd need; water, food, and first aid. The first two things you got were a large pack of bottled water and a prepaid first aid kit, the ones that a lot of people would keep tucked under one of the seats of their cars.

For food, you weren't quite sure what you should get. Most of the food was stuff that took some level of prep or couldn't be left out for too long. You eventually settled on granola bars, those meat and cheese stick packs, two large bags of corn chips, a bag of trail mix, and a box of deli fried chicken that you could eat tonight.

As you walked to the checkout, you noticed people giving you weird looks. You weren't surprised, you knew you still had a pretty bad limp. Placing your items on the covator belt, you waited in line to be checked out. Once you were up, the cashier looked at you and gave you a warm smile as she rang you up.

"Going camping?" she asked.

"Um... yeah. Camping with friends," you lied.

"That's good. It's always good to get some fresh air," she said, causing you to nod in agreement.

It was quiet after that, which you were pretty thankful for. As soon as you were done, you made your way out as fast as possible. You loaded everything you got into the back seat of your car before getting in and resting your head against the wheel. You were honestly ready to pass out. You thought about getting some sort of caffeinated drink somewhere, preferably something warm like coffee or tea. You weren't sure what was open at this point, though. It was starting to get late and you were pretty sure most places that sold coffee and tea were either closed or starting to close.

Deciding you could probably find something at home, you drove back. You were honestly pretty lucky you didn't space out while driving.Once home, you went back into your house and went back to the bathroom, grabbing the bag of rice and opening it. You dug your phone out from it, pressing the power button and praying that it wasn't dead. One... two... three... the phone turned on. You let out a sigh of relief, completely shutting it off before putting it back into the rice. You knew you should wait at least a little longer before using it or charging it, so you didn't want to keep it on you until you knew it was safe to use. You did a bit more digging and eventually got all of your stuff together. Once your car was all loaded up with everything you knew you'd need, you got in and started driving back to the studio.

Once you were back at the studio, you started unloading anything from the car. You were still pretty tired, but after a few trips you managed to get everything into the entryway. You let out an exasperated sigh, slowly sinking to the ground while leaning against the wall. After you were able to catch your breath, you got up again and started taking everything back to where the ink machine was. Right as you were in the final stretch, you noticed Bendy sitting in the corner of the hall that led to the ink machine room. He was fast asleep, looking very relaxed. You did your best to be quiet as you passed him, not wanting to disturb his sleep.

"I'm back," you said, walking into the ink machine room.

"Hello, dear. You're back much sooner than I expected," Alice said, giving you a smile.

You nodded, setting the stuff you were carrying down. "How's everything going so far?"

"It's been good. Boris and Henry seem to be having no trouble fixing that machine up," she said.

"That's good," you said, smiling. You walked over to the railing, leaning over and spotting Henry and Boris. "Hey! Henry! I'm back and I got food!"

"Thank you! We'll be up in a second!" Henry exclaimed.

"Please tell me it's not bacon soup," Alice said.

"Nope! Just deli fried chicken. Not like it's much of an upgrade," you said, mumbling the last part.

"Anything is better than bacon soup, at this point. It's all we have here," Alice said.

"Then I guess it is an upgrade," you laughed.

Once Henry and Boris were up, you took the chicken and started dishing out some for everyone. From what Alice explained, her, Bendy and Boris didn't technically need to eat, but they did like how food tasted. So, you mainly let them have the legs. You chatted with everyone for a little bit before taking the rest of your food and grabbing the rest you saved for Bendy, as well as your sleeping bag, then going back to where you last saw the ink demon. He was still asleep just outside of the room.

You sat down next to him, setting the food down before gently shaking his arm.

"Hey, wake up. I got food," you said, continuing to gently shake him.

Bendy let out a small grumble, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. "What? What's going on?" he grumbled, looking down at you.

"Food," you said, holding up the chicken you saved for him.

Bendy let out a small chuckle, pushing the container back into your hands. "I don't need to eat, Doll. You should have it."

"Alice said you guys like the taste of food, though," you said.

"You need it more than me," he said.

"I already ate mine."

"You sure that was enough?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I'm full!"

Bendy let out a small sigh, finally taking a piece of chicken from the container and taking a bite. You smiled, leaning against the wall and finishing the last of your chicken. There was a pretty peaceful silence between the two of you. You were glad to finally be clean and have food and Bendy just seemed to be glad to have someone with him. You didn't know how long the studio had been abandoned for, but it was obviously long enough to start tearing into at least Alice and Bendy's sanity. Despite everything, you were glad to have gone to the studio.

"I'll be right back," you said, getting up and walking back to the ink machine room.

You grabbed your sleeping bag and the first aid kit, noticing that Alice, Henry, and Boris were all down by the ink machine. None of them had noticed you, which was probably for the best. You didn't want to get too distracted talking to one of them.

You walked back over to where Beny was, setting your stuff down then sitting back down next to him. You started to take stuff out from the first aid that you'd need to patch up your leg. Then you rolled up your pant leg and finally looked at the damage you had been neglecting to check. Your leg was extremely bruised and cut up, your ankle starting to look a little swollen. It was... well bad, to say the least. You hoped that you could fix it on your own. You didn't know how you'd explain something like this to a doctor.

"Doll... your-... your leg..." Bendy mumbled, slowly reaching an inky hand out towards your leg.

"It's fine. It'll heal in no time," you said, trying to play off just how bad this probably was. You didn't need Bendy worrying about you right now.

"But... I did that... I'm the reason you got hurt," he said, slowly starting to shake his head.

"Hey! It's fine! You didn't mean to, right? It's no big deal," you said, starting to grow concerned that he'd freak out and do something bad.

You could see Bendy's body starting to tremble as he slowly pulled his hand away from you. You gave him a small smile before starting the process of patching yourself up. Having to clean all the different cuts and scrapes with disinfectant wipes hurt like hell, but eventually they were clean and you were able to put on some ointment and wrap your legs up.

"See? All better," you said, attempting to hold up one of your legs. Bendy slowly nodded. "Why don't we try and get some sleep now, okay?"

"Alright," Bendy mumbled.

You laid out your sleeping bag, crawling in and trying to get comfortable on the wooden floor. As soon as you were laying down, Bendy curled up around you and had you pressed up against his chest. He began gently petting your hair and before you knew it, you passed out.


Edited: 09/29/2022

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now