34: Wake Up

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WARNING: this chapter has not been edited yet


Wake up...


"Wake up!" a feminine voice screamed.

You jolted awake, hitting your elbow on something. You hissed and bent over, holding your elbow.

"Finally! Be glad I noticed you before the boss did," the voice said.

You looked up, confused. You were sitting in a cubical, a few filing cabinets around you, papers scattered everywhere, and two desk monitors, both of which were on screensaver mode. You looked over to the person standing next to you. It was a girl with long, slightly curly brown hair. She was wearing a white button up shirt, a black skirt, a blue cardigan, and had what looked like light makeup.

"Hello! Earth to (y/n)! I'm talking to you!" she said, waving a hand in your face.

"Who..." you trailed off.

"Uh, ya know. Your favorite co-worker!" She yelled.

You became even more confused. You didn't know this girl.

"Good god, it really has been that bad," the girl said.

"What are you talking about?" you asked.

"I'm taking you home. You need rest. And a shit ton of dumb Netflix originals," the girl said, pulling you out of your chair and dragging you down a hall.

"Who even are you?" you asked.

"Zoey, remember?" the girl said.

Everything slowly started to come back to you. Zoey was one of your best friends. You two met when you started at the office. She started driving you to and from your home to get here. She would eat lunch with you every day and the two of you would talk about how shitty life is and laugh about it. Zoey was one of your friends.

"I knew I should have made you stay home today," Zoey mumbled, "I'm never gonna believe you again when you say your fine."

The two of you stopped in front of your boss's office. Zoey knocked on the door before opening it. She pulled you inside and pushed the door shut with her foot.

"Zoey, (y/n), is something wrong?" your boss asked.

"(y/n) hasn't been taking care of herself. She hasn't been getting enough sleep and based on how phal and shaky she's been, I don't think she's been eating properly. I'd like to take the rest of the day off with her and make sure she's in good health for when she comes back," Zoey said.

"And you have the leave for that?" your boss asked.

"Of course I do! I never take vacations, I'm always here on time, and if I am going to be missing work, I work from home!" Zoey said.

"Alright, just, make sure you get better, (y/n)," your boss said.

"Thank you," you mumbled.


Fifteen minutes later, you were at your house, you swaddled in blankets and Zoey in the kitchen making tea, toast, and heating up chicken broth. Lord knows what you'd do without Zoey. You did think the chicken broth was a bit excessive, though.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Zoey asked, bringing over a plate of toast.

"Better?" you said, not sure how to answer.

"What were you dreaming about?" Zoey asked.

"Uh... what?" yo asked.

"You looked like you were dreaming before I woke you up. What was it about?"

"I... don't remember."

"You don't even have a general idea of what it was about?"

"There was ink. Lots and lots of ink."

"Anything else?"

"There was..."

Wake up

"Uh... I..."

Wake up! Please, just get up already!

"Are you okay? You're getting really pale."


(y/n)! Please!

Everything went... black...

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now