35: The End

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WARNING: this chapter has not been edited yet

"Come on, (y/n)! Wake up!"

"Okay, that's enough. Joey said she might take a bit to wake up, so leave her alone."

"Didn't he also say that she might be confused and jumpy?"

"Yeah. He said she was tossed around for a bit with different designs and backstories."

"Why would she need a back story? Why would any of us need a back story? We're cartoon characters."

"We all have a back story, Bendy. It's how we know who we are."

"Shut it, angle."

You groaned and sat up. All the talking stopped. You looked around and saw Bendy, Boris, and Alice all in their normal toon forms. Alice walked over to you and smiled.

"Hello there, dear. I'm Alice Angle. It's nice to meet you," she said, holding out a hand for you to take.

You cautiously took her hand and she pulled you up. Bendy and Boris walked over to you. Boris grabbed your other hand and shook it. For about ten seconds.

"It's nice to meet ya! I'm Boris!" he smiled.

"And that little grumpy demon is Bendy," Alice leaned in and said.

"First off, I can hear you. Second I can introduce myself," Bendy grumbled.

"I... know. Your names, I mean," you whispered.

"That's great! Joey said your name was (y/n). That's correct, right?" Alice asked.

"Yeah," you said.

"Alright, we've introduced ourselves. Let's go," Bendy said, grabbing your arm and pulling you away from Alice and Boris.

"You must really like the idea of her being your girlfriend, Bendy," Alice smirked.

Both yours and Bendy's faces flushed red. You started to take notice of a few things. First, you were the same height as Bendy. Second, the world around you was a lot less... realistic then you remember. Third, your arm looked like one of a toons.

"I was trying to keep that a secret until we got to know each other," Bendy growled.

"Oops," Alice sang.

Bendy sighed and let go of your arm. You pulled it close to yourself and rubbed it.

"We should make sure (y/n) is settle in," Boris said.


You sat outside, staring up at the sky. It had just turned night and you were still trying to wrap your head around everything. Bendy, Boris, and Alice told you that you were a cartoon character, like them, and the animators had been throwing you around, all of them taking different approaches with you, which is why you were "hopping from world to world" as Alice put it. You could wrap your head around that, you just couldn't believe everything up until this point was a lie. You were literally living a lie. It really didn't sit well with you.

"Hey there, Doll," Bendy said, sitting down next to you.

"Hey," you mumbled.

Bendy put an arm over your shoulders and pulled you into his side. You rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes.

"I'm guessing your still stressed, huh," he said, breaking the silence.

"I'll get used to it," you said.

Bendy smiled and kissed your forehead, gently rubbing your back. You smiled and closed your eyes. You were hoping this wasn't a dream. You wanted it to be real. All of it.

"Then, everything went right," you whispered.

You remembered the first world. You remembered how amazing that life was. You had an amazing mom, a great friend group, hobbies and a job you loved; it was your home - your birthplace.

"How did everything go right?" Bendy whispered back.

"I figured out I'm not her, but she is a part of me."



I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now