11: A Fresh Start (1/2)

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 You could feel Bendy's grip tighten on your arm as he and Alice glared at each other.

"So, you finally decided to show yourself?" Alice spat.

Bendy stayed quiet. It was a little concerning. You didn't want him to charge at Alice out of nowhere and attack her. It would just make things harder in the end.

"H-Henry, can we talk?" you asked before one of the warped toons started something.

"Yeah, let's just get into a more open space first," he said.

He started to walk over but Bendy let out a low growl, causing the poor man to stumble back a bit.

"Bendy," you mumbled, gently rubbing his arm. "I'll be fine."

The ink demon slowly nodded and you walked over to Henry, pulling him off to the side.

"There has to be a way we can help them," you said, keeping your voice low.

"I don't know... they're corrupted. I don't know how we'd fix something like that," he said.

"There has to be... what about the ink machine? That's what created them, right? Maybe it can help- it can- maybe it can-"

You felt Henry put a hand on your shoulder, causing your increasingly frantic speech to stop. You looked up at him, seeing a mix of nervousness and guilt on his face.

"Just... we can try. I'll need to fix that old thing up, but we can try," he said, slowly taking his hand off of your shoulder.

You nodded, relieved that you could at least try to help Bendy. From behind you, you could hear the sound of growling, causing you to turn. You saw Boris trying to hold Bendy back as he looked ready to kill Alice, who was smirking from a few feet away.

"Get away from me you freak of nature," he growled.

"But I'm not close to you," she said, very obviously pretending to be innocent.

You sighed, walking up to Bendy and grabbing his arm as you pulled him away and down the hall. It was surprisingly easy. At this point, you were pretty sure he was just letting you pull him away.

"If you two wanna play games then let's go play mechanics," you said.


With some guidance from Boris, the five of you were able to make it back to where everything went to hell. The top floor was mostly drained of ink by now, though you could still tell that there had been an ink spill. A lot of the drawings and posters were now just soaked black sheets. There was also a line on the wall where the ink had been the highest. You noticed that it was pretty close to getting over your head in some areas, causing you to check yourself. You knew that as soon as you were home, you'd be washing yourself for a good hour and throwing out the clothes you were wearing.

"I know you'll be able to help me, Boris. What about the rest of you?" Henry asked.

"I might be able to find something to help you with," Alice said.

Henry nodded and looked at you.

"Even if I wasn't hurt, I don't think I'd be much help," you said.

"Alright. I don't know how long this will take, so maybe you can go to the store and get food," Henry suggested.

"I'm going with," Bendy said, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"I don't think that's a good idea-"

"I'm. Going. With," Bendy growled, cutting Henry off.

"Bendy, I really don't think you can. People aren't gonna be too... thrilled to see you. Any of you, for that matter," you said.

"Please, just let me go with you," he said, gripping onto you.

"It'll be no more than two hours..." You glanced down at yourself. "Scratch that, maybe three. Either way, I'll be back by evening. Promise," you said.

"Al-... alright..." he mumbled, slowly letting go of you.

You smiled, gently patting his arm and murmuring a small "thank you" before turning to Henry. "I'll be back with food, drinks, and some first aid stuff," you said.

"Alright, thank you and be safe," Henry said.

You smiled and nodded before turning and walking to the entrance. You could hear footsteps following you and you got an idea of who they belonged to. As soon as you reached the entrance, you turned and looked up at Bendy.

"I'll be back, I promise," you said.

Bendy slowly nodded and hugged you, nuzzling your cheek as he ran his fingers through your hair. You hugged back. You were glad that he had calmed down. While he was still almost nothing like the character you grew up with, you could still recognize little parts of him. You could recognize the softer side that he tended to have in the show.

"I need to get going. I'm starting to get hungry," you said, chuckling a little.

"Alright. Be safe, Doll," Bendy said, slowly letting go of you.

"I will. See you in a bit," you said.


The first thing you did was go home and take a shower. You spent a good thirty minutes trying to get all of the ink out of your hair. A lot of it had dried into clumps and your hair and even some parts of your body were now stained. Though, you were technically clean, so you felt better about your appearance.

The next thing you did was deal with your clothes. You had set them on the bathroom counter so they didn't mess too much of the house up. You pulled out your phone, wallet, and keys from your jacket pockets. Your wallet didn't have much by way of cash, just a bunch of coins. You took out each of your cards, finding that they were all miraculously fine. You guessed that this was because your wallet was made of leather, but weren't quite sure. Your keys were also fine, unsurprisingly. Your keychain was ruined, but you weren't that upset about it.

Then there was your phone, the item that you were dreading even looking at. It was covered in ink and cracked in a few places, at least places you could immediately see. You turned on the water and walked out of the room, going down to the living room. Opening one of the cabinets, you pulled out a bag of rice. This was rice that you never ate because it was usually used for helping to dry off electronics and keep them from getting some sort of water damage. You took the bag of rice back with you to the bathroom and set it on the counter before grabbing your phone and washing it off. As soon as you were done, you dropped it into the rice bag and covered it.

"Here's to hoping it's not too late," you mumbled.

You then went into your mom's old room, which you barely touched and only occasionally used for storage, and started looking around for a few sleeping bags. You knew there were some in the room. You wanted to use them to spend the night at the old studio. You thought it would make Bendy feel a bit better. You eventually managed to find the sleeping bags, pulling them out and bringing them out to the car. You went back to lock up the house before driving to the store. You were a little nervous about leaving your phone at home, but you knew it would take time for the rice trick to work. You just hoped you wouldn't need it.


Edited: 09/29/2022

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now