21: Meltdown

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WARNING: this chapter has not been edited yet

I'm tired. Is that a good enough excuse?


After a few weeks of working at the bakery, you and your grandma were starting to get along. It wasn't much, but you weren't spitting insults at each other so you'd call that an improvement. Whenever you and Alice got the chance, you would go and visit Henry, Boris, and Bendy. Of course, you didn't let any of your family see them for two reasons. One, you didn't want your family to find out that your friends are ink creatures from the depths of hell and two, your grandma may or may not be too fond of seeing Henry due to his old work

Today, Henry had asked you and Alice to watch over Bendy and Boris for a bit. Apparently, he had some sort of job interview and he wasn't comfortable leaving Bendy and Boris home alone today. He said Bendy was a bit more violent today then other days and he didn't want him destroying the house.

When you and Alice got to Henry's house, you were greeted with a tackle hug from Boris.

"You're here! You're here! Ben- Oliver! They're here!" Boris yelled.

"Oliver?" Alice asked.

"Henry said I can't say his real name in public and since we're outside I can't say his real name." Boris said.

"I remember Henry saying something about that." You mumbled.

"Well I don't like it." A new voice said.

The three of you looked over and saw Bendy standing a few feet from the doorway, his arms crossed. His clothes were covered in ink and his hair was a mess.

"What happened to you. You look like trash." Alice said.

"None of your business, angel." Bendy spat.

You noticed a trail of ink behind Bendy. It went through the entry way then turned into the hall. From what you remember, it was the side where the bedrooms were.

"Actually, I think it is my business. I am babysitting after all." Alice smirked.

"Like I'm going to listen to you." Bendy turned and walked back into the hallway. You flinched a little as you heard him slam a door shut.

'What's gotten into him' you thought.

"Can you deal with him, (y/n)?" Alice asked.

"Yeah... Sure." You said, a bit nervous.

As you walked to his room, you assumed he would lock himself in there, you started to wonder if he kept his super strength his demented toon form had. Boris seemed to still have his unnatural strength, what's stopping Bendy from having his.

Once you got to his door, you knocked.

"Bendy, may I come in?" You asked, your voice as calm as you could get it.

There was no response other than the quiet click of the lock. You slowly opened the door. When you looked inside the room, your eyes went wide. The walls, floor, and celling were covered in in. There was a bucket by what you assumed was once a clean bed that was covered in ink. There was also a small first aid kit and a few pill or medicine bottles on a nightstand.

Bendy sat next to the bed, his knees pulled up to his chest. He was shaking, you weren't sure what from, and it looked like ink had been dripping from somewhere on his head.

You closed the door and walked over to him. He glanced over at you as you sat down next to him. After a few seconds of silence, Bendy wrapped his arms around you.

"What happened." You asked.

"I don't know." Bendy mumbled.

You stayed silent for a few seconds before asking, "when did this start?"

"A few weeks ago."

"What were you doing when this started to happen."

"I was yelling at Henry."

'Was this caused by stress?' you thought.

"I started coughing up ink while yelling at him and a few days later, ink started dripping from my nose and mouth." Bendy said. His voice sounded strained.

You put a hand on his back.

"A-after that I started blacking out and when I woke up Henry said I had went on some sort of rampage."

You pulled him closer to you, tucking his head under your chin.

"He- he said I looked like-... like a true demon, like I- I was t-transforming back and-..."

Bendy started to cry. You were whispering anything calming that came to mind. You felt something with the same consistency as blood or ink start to drip onto your shoulder and chest then soak into your shirt.

"Bendy, calm down." You whispered.

"I want everyone back." He looked up at you. "I want the old studio back!"

"I know." You said, kissing his forehead.

It was silent for a good ten minutes, save for Bendy's whimpering. Bendy was curled up against you. He was half asleep, the only thing keeping him awake was his new found fascination with the tassels on your shirt sleeve. For a moment, you felt as if something was missing, like it suddenly just disappeared.

"I can't be the only one that felt that." Bendy mumbled.


I'm just gonna be honest here and say I'm extremely stressed with the new quarter. My English class is starting a poetry unit and while most of my class has to memories fifteen or sixteen lines, I decided on a 68 line poem. Why? Everyone in my family has memorized this poem except me and I will not be the only one left out. That and I'm still getting used to being on melatonin so I can have a proper sleep schedule. So yeah.

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now