6: Angel or Devil

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Walking into the next room, you were filled with a feeling of dread. After the strange humming you had heard stopped, you got the feeling you were in for a load of trouble. Looking around, you could see a bunch of Alice Angel plushies, an Alice Angel cutout, some speakers and TVs, and a sign that read "She's quite a gal!" hanging above a glass window.

You and Henry took a few more steps into the room, only for the overhead lights to shut off and the door to close behind you. You heard Henry take another few steps forward, causing you to freak out a little. The TVs turned on and started playing Alice's little jingle.

The jingle played once, twice, and on the third time the lights in the room on the other side of the glass turned on. Right as the third round of the jingle was about to come to a close, a warped version of Alice sprung up, banging her fists on the glass. You screamed, stumbling back.

"I'm Alice Angel!" the creature yelled before letting out a scream and shattering the glass.

The lights went out, leaving you in the dark. The creature's laugh rang throughout the room, causing a shudder to go down your spine. Then, it went quiet.

"I see you there~," the creature purred. Her voice sounded like it was all around you. "Two new flies in my endless web. Come along now~. Let's see if you're worthy to walk with angels."

The lights turned back on and you looked around. An entrance in the wall to your left had opened up. Henry darted over to you, helping you up. You quietly thanked him, still in shock. First, it was a mutated Bendy who was obsessed with your mother. Now it was a mutated Alice Angel who seemed to have a god complex.

"We really can't go back, can we?" you asked.

"No. We just need to find a way out of this place," Henry said.

You nodded, feeling tears pricking the corners of your eyes. You blinked them away, not wanting to cry in front of anyone right now. You really didn't have the time or energy to be crying.

You and Henry began walking down the hall. It was much more plain than any of the other hallways. There weren't any papers on the floor or any drawings on the walls. There was just the occasional box with candles on it to light the way. Of course, that changed very quickly.

At the end of the hall was a split path. There were two signs, each pointing to a different door. One read "The Demon" while the other read "The Angel".

"How about we look down each hall, see where they will take us?" Henry suggested.

"Can I take the angel path?" you asked.

"Sure," Henry said, smiling.

Right as the two of you both entered your separate paths, a metal door slammed down behind you. You screamed, spinning around and stumbling back. When you realized what was going on, you started to freak out. Running up to the metal door, you started banging your hands against it, screaming.

"No! No! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! Please! Please just let out!" you screamed.

After a few minutes of you banging on the door, you eventually collapsed against it. Your hands hurt, your body was shaking, and you felt a few tears starting to slip down your cheeks. You sniffled, whipping your eyes and standing up. You might as well see where this path leads you, if it leads you anywhere. At least it was probably better than the demon path. Bendy couldn't get you here, right? This was the angel path, a place where only Alice could get to, right? You hoped you were right. You really, really hoped you were right.

Walking further into the hall, you saw a couch, a coat rack, a dresser and an Alice cutout. On the couch was a lit candle, an Alice doll, and a tape recorder. Sitting down on the couch, you picked up the doll, hugging it. A small part of you urged you to play the tape recorder, so you did. Pressing play, you sat back, your eyes trained on the tape recorder.

"Everything feels like it's coming apart," you heard the voice on the recorder say. It was Alice's voice, or, her voice actor's voice. The first voice of Alice, to be specific. You knew about the voice change. You could hear the difference as a kid. "When I walked into the recording booth today, Sammy was there with that... Allison. Apparently I didn't get the memo. Alice Angel will now be voiced by Miss Allison Pendal. A part of me died when he said that, There's gotta be a way to fix this."

The tape ended, leaving you in silence. You remembered the day the voice actor for Alice changed. You didn't like it. You much preferred the old voice actor, Susie Campbell. You always felt like her voice was a better fit. Picking up the doll, you hugged it to your chest. You got up from the couch, deciding to continue down the path. You needed to get back to Henry. You didn't want to be in this place much longer.


Edited: 1/19/2021

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