30: Memory 6, An Offer

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WARNING: this chapter has not been edited yet


So, I'm gonna try to finish the story before it school starts. So, yea. Prepare for one or two updates a week.


"So, (Y/N), Joey has an offer for you," your mom said, sipping from her coffee cup.

"And what would that offer be?" you asked.

"He wants to do a reboot of the show and since he can't get any of the old voice actors, he was hoping to hire some new ones," your mom said.

"So I'd be voicing Alice, then," you said.

"No," your mom smiled.

"Uh... last time I checked, Alice was the only female character and I can't do a guys voice," you said.

"He's adding in new characters, sweetie," your mom laughed.


"So you're going to be voicing the a new character!"


"Her name is Annie, she'll be a human who helps Bendy, Boris, and Alice."

"So, she's like a second Alice?"

"Not exactly, but you could put it like that."

"Are there any more new characters?"

"Well, to balance out Annie, there's going to be a new member to The Butcher Gang, a few secondary characters should be added in, and I think Joey wants to add in God or the Devil but it worried about the backlash from that."

You let all of that sink in for a minute. A new character that you would be voicing. You weren't sure if you'd like this new reboot of The Bendy Show. You always liked the old one, with all the childish cartoon antics the characters got into. You were worried that all the fun would be drained from the show and it would become a boring, plot driven show for adults. You didn't want to lose that.

"If it helps, your prom date will be voicing Bendy," your mom smiled.

"You mean Ollie? How?" you asked.

"He's Norman's nephew. Norman recommended him to Joey," your mom said.

"Huh... Also how did you know he was my prom date?"

"Lillian told me."

"God damnit."

Your mom laughed before asking, "so you gonna take up the offer?"

You thought a minute before saying, "yeah. I think I will."



So, yea. New chapter. I rewrote this thing at least three times before telling myself I just needed to keep going with what I had. Also, please tell me what you guys want for the next book. I need to make a general plot map before I start it and it takes longer to start stuff if I don't know what characters I need.

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now