2: Turn Around and Run

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Walking through the animation studio was like walking through a haunted house. You couldn't tell when it was going to end, you were never sure if something was going to pop out from behind the corner, and there was no turning back. Already, you and Henry had been scared by moving cutouts, loud noises, and Boris the Wolf strapped to a table with his chest cut open. You really couldn't tell if Joey truly wanted to show you something important or if he was just trying to turn the studio into a haunted house.

You and Henry eventually found a giant machine, which Henry assumed was what Joey wanted to show. Unfortunately for you, Henry wanted to try and turn the machine on. You didn't like this and were hoping to just go home, but you also didn't want to leave Henry by himself. He had been really nice to you and it made you feel much better about the day.

You had been sent out to find a record, a book, and a plush Bendy doll. They were supposed to go on these pedestals in another room. You had already found the book and the record, now you were missing the plushy. You thought you had seen it earlier, but it wasn't where you remembered it.

You eventually found your way back to the room connected to the main entrance. There sitting upright on a chair in the middle of the room was the little Bendy plush. You didn't remember it ever being in the room, which freaked you out a little. You slowly walked up to the doll. It's little eyes were just staring into your soul. Next to the doll was the word "Doll" written in ink with a heart next to it.

You quickly snatched up the plush and darted back to where Henry was supposed to be. You just wanted to go home. You made your way back to the pedestal room, looking down at the doll.

"Let me guess, your powers aren't just limited to teleportation?" you mumbled.

No response.

You didn't expect one. In fact, you were glad it didn't respond. You probably would've screamed if it did.

Right before you got to the pedestal room, you stopped. You really wanted to grab the image of Bendy from the other room. Sure, it was creepy and changed when you weren't looking, but you really wanted to take it. So, with your mind made up, you turned around and started walking back to the room with the drawing. Once there, you went over to the desk, seeing the drawing had changed again. You grabbed it off the desk, carefully folding it up and putting it into your wallet.

You then officially made your way back to the pedestal room. The entire time, you felt like you were being watched. It was starting to creep you out. You felt like you deserved this, though, since you were taking the Bendy drawing.

Once back at the room, you saw Henry standing there, his items already on the pedestals.

"I'm guessing you had a bit of trouble?" he asked.

"Yeah. I thought I knew where the doll was but somehow he wound up in the main room," you said, placing the doll on its pedestal.

"Strange. I thought I saw it in the screening room," Henry mumbled.

"It's probably a prank. I mean, there was that Bendy cutout," you said, referring to the cardboard cutout that mysteriously appeared after you and Henry entered the pedestal room.

"True. I just find it strange. I don't think Joey would pull something like this," Henry said.

You nodded. It did seem strange. You and Henry explored every unlocked part of the studio and found nothing. No one else was with you. You had suggested that maybe Joey was waiting until later to meet, but Henry was under the firm belief that the strange machine, the ink machine, was what Joey wanted to show off.

Once all the items were placed on the proper pedestals, Henry went to find the lever that would restore pressure to the ink machine.

"Let's go," Henry said, walking out of the room. You darted after him, not wanting to get left behind.

"I don't like this. I really, really don't like this," you said, trying to stay close.

"I'm sure it's going to be fine. Once we restore the pressure and see what the ink machine does, we can go home," Henry said. He seemed really determined to see this through.

You followed him to the screening room. The second he entered the room, a projector turned on, playing video of Bendy dancing. The old cartoon theme started playing and a rush of nostalgia ran through you. Child you lived for waking up on the weekends and rushing out to the TV to watch The Bendy Show.

"Let's just go back. This whole ink machine probably isn't even finished. We should just go back before the bullying collapses," you whined.

"You don't have to keep following me around, (y/n). You can always go back on your own," Henry said.

You hesitated. You wanted to go back home and just forget this ever happened, but you were worried something bad would happen if you left Henry alone.

The brunette turned, walking over to a lever and turned it. The second it stopped turning, one of the pipes next to you started spewing ink. You let out a small scream, stumbling back.

"Sorry! We should be out of here soon. Then you can get a change of clothes," Henry said.

The two of you walked back to the pedestal room. Henry went to go pull the lever to turn on the ink machine while you checked your wallet to see if the drawing got damaged. Somehow, despite your wallet being drenched in ink, the drawing was perfectly fine.

Once Henry pulled the lever, the building let out a creak and the pipes started to shake. A sudden feeling of dread made its way through you. You didn't feel safe anymore.

"Let's get going. We're almost done," Henry said.

You nodded, following him as he walked back into the ink machine room. The building was creaking more than normal, sending spikes of fear and anxiety through your body. The ink puddles on the floor were more frequent than they were before and the building felt darker. You started to worry that the building was going to flood with ink.

Soon, you and Henry made it back to the ink machine room, only to see it had been boarded up. Henry seemed confused, but all your fight, flight, or freeze responses were kicking in. You knew something bad was going on and stepping near the boarded up entry was just asking for trouble.

"Henry, let's just go!" you exclaimed.

"Since when was-"

Before Henry could finish his sentence, a strange, terrifying creature appeared from the ink behind the boarded up room. It let out a demonic scream and swiped at Henry, cousin him to stumble back and trip over the pipe jutting out from the floor. You ran over, and started helping him up. The building made a huge groaning noise and the pipes started to burst, causing ink to spill everywhere and start flooding the room.

Once Henry was up, the two of you made a mad dash to the entrance. You could hear the monster behind you, screeching and breaking the boards that kept it from getting to you. You just kept running, not wanting to look back. The ink was rising, making it harder and harder to move.


Edited: 11/16/2020

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now