32: Help

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You were back. Again. You passed out in the middle of the streets and woke up here. You couldn't even begin to imagine the shock and fear the people around you were feeling. It felt as if you were slowly becoming a burden to all these alternate worlds, like because of you, people just going about their day were all of the sudden put into a stressful situation. One where you'd never wake up. Or maybe you did, it was just that realities version of you. How were you supposed to know. You were most likely going to be stuck like this for the rest of your life.

I never thought I'd hate silence. Sure, I like it when it's quiet, but I don't like it when it's silent. There's so much ringing. It's so... loud.

You knew you weren't making sense. Nothing made sense. So, why should you make sense? It didn't matter in the end. You would just be stuck here. Forever. Alone. In the loud, ringing silence.




You were going to go insane. You were going to lose your mind if you didn't get out and stay out of this place. You'd rip your hair out, scratch out your eyes, tear off your ears, gouge holes in your body with your nails unless you could get out. You felt like crying, screaming, doing anything to stop the silence. And you did. You cried, screamed, flailed about. Nothing. Nothing was working. You couldn't hear anything. You couldn't feel anything. You were numb to everything.

Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. LET ME OUT!

Nothing. You cried. At least, you think you were. You couldn't tell any more. Crying is such a natural emotion, it should be recognized easily, but you just can't. You can't remember what crying feels like. You... can't remember anything anymore. You can't remember where you started, who you were, where you lived, what you liked, who your friends and family were. You could recognize them if you saw them, but right now you can't remember.

You aren't feeling well, are you?

You need to cry, don't you?

It's okay to cry... everyone does... even me...



Oh my Jesus that was an emotional roller-coaster for me to write. School is sucking the life out of me, I have to baby sit my cousin this weekend, and I'm having some regrets taking AP English. Sure, college credit for paying for and passing a 94$ test is a good deal and all, but we spent the first week and a half of school doing practice tests. FUCKING PRACTICE TESTS ON THE FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL. WHO DOES THAT? I SURE AS HELL DON'T. Anyways, yeah. Three more chapters then a poll for the next story. Are ya'll excited because I'm sure am. Time to finish what I started.

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now