24: A World's End

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WARNING: this chapter has not been edited yet

Okay so I am so happy for the supporr from all of you and all the amazing and funny comments you guys post and I am so thankful for all of it but I am so damn sad right now because of some slight family drama that is going on with my cousins and grandparents and because one of the Vocaloid artists, wowaka, just died and he made three of my favorite Vocaloid songs and just god I have taken so much shit this week. You guys are the best I love you all so much.


As the storm continued on, your headaches got worse. Bendy was being a total sweetheart and was hugging you and making sure you were okay until you managed to fall asleep. It was really nice. Strange enough, when you woke up, everything was fine. Your headache was gone and the power was back on. The storm was still going strong but that was to be expected. It was a storm, for god's sake.

You sat up and looked around. Alice was asleep on the couch, Bendy was curled up on your legs, and Boris was nowhere to be seen. You sighed and leaned back, still tired from everything that's been going on. You decided to try and sleep a bit more. If you were tired from oversleeping then you'd know after this.

You closed your eyes and let yourself start to drift off.

Tap tap tap

Must be the rain. It's definitely a nice sound.

Tap... tap... tap...

Is the rain stopping? No. It can't be.

Tap... tap... BANG

You shot up kicking Bendy off your lap in the process.

"Oh my god, Bendy! Are you-" you stopped. You didn't see Bendy anywhere. Instead, you saw a bottle shattered with what you could only assume was ink spilling out.

You looked around. You weren't even at home. You were in a slightly rundown building that looked similar to the animation studio, but different. The walls weren't covered in ink, most of the walls, floor and ceiling were intact, and there were windows. That was the big difference. This studio had windows.

Cold light was filtering through the window closest to you. It was slightly blocked by some rags for curtains. You stood up, another headache hitting you. You put one hand to your forehead and used your other to steady yourself. You closed your eyes then opened them after a few seconds. You needed to figure out where you were.

You took a few steps forward, looking to your left to see a path to another room. You shuffled down the hallway, a hand still hovering over the wall to help you stay balanced. You could hear arguing in the distance. The voices sounded familiar.

Once you reached the end of the hallway, you came to a relatively large room. Slightly to the right of the center stood three people. It was Bendy, Boris, and Alice. However, they weren't human anymore. They were back in their toon forms. Not the melty dead looking forms, but the forms you remember from the cartoon. You just stood there and stared.

"He isn't coming back, Bendy!" Alice yelled.

"You're wrong! He promised! They all did!" Bendy yelled back.

"It's been almost thirty years! Get over it!"

"No! He's coming back! I know he is! They all will come back!"

"Please stop fighting, guys. We don't need to argue," Boris reasoned.

You watched as Alice let out a huff of annoyance and Bendy wipe his eyes. You took a few steps forward, catching their attention.

"Bendy? Boris? Alice?" you reached out to them.


Okay so as all of you can probably tell, it's late and I'm doing this on my phone. I do have a few updates for y'all that I think you might like.

1) fan favorite Jiji has been adopted which means he is in a good home

2) the family issue I'm having isn't an argument or anything like that, it's just a few road bumps we need to get through

3) I'm finally figuring out how the story will end which means it won't be a half-assed ending

So yeah. I'm pretty happy about this.

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now