20: Memory 4; School Halls on Prom Week

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WARNING: this chapter has not been edited yet

CHAPTER WARNING: The following chapter contains things that, depending upon what kind of background you have, may be triggering. I'll put a summary at the end of the chapter for those who want to skip it. You've been warned.


"The fuck do you want, Jackson." You growled.

"Why so cold, babe. I just wanted to ask you to prom." Jackson, the jackass of the school, smirked.

"Go ask one of your little slut followers." You spat.

Jackson grabbed a handful of your hair and slammed you against the wall.

"Now look here you little bitch. I've been nice to you for the entire school year. I've done nothing but the best for you, and then you go and insult me?! If you're really that small minded why don't you just go jump off a building like your little friend." Jackson yelled.

"How about YOU let go of her." A new voice said.

Both you and Jackson looked over to see a boy, most likely your age, standing a few lockers down. Jackson slowly let go of you. You took this chance to run over to the new boy.

"Now just what makes you think you can treat a girl like that." The new boy said.

"The bitch started it." Jackson spat.

"You've been bullying me for years all because my dad is never there." You mumbled.

"Is that so?" The new boy asked.

"I-... Just... If you love that bitch so much why don't you just go and fuck her already, you dumb prick." Jackson grumbled as he walked past.

you sighed and let your body relax. As you let this whole situation sink in, you felt tears start to make their way towards your eyes. Your body started to shake and you hugged yourself.

"Are you okay? Those insults were kind of harsh." The new boy said.

"The basket ball team is going to go after you, you know." You mumbled.

"He's a basket ball player? No wonder you turned him down." The knew boy joked.

You smiled and giggled.

"My name is Oliver. What's yours?"

"(y/n). It's nice to meet you."

Summary: (y/n) was asked to prom by her bully and when she rejected him, he got all pissy and tried to force her into going with him. Then, a new boy, Oliver, showed up, managed to out sass (y/n)'s bully, and befriended her.


Ha hah! I have done a second chapter in one day! I am a writing master! Take that crappy preschool teacher! I have little to no memories of her. I just heard she was a jerk.

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now