8: Memory 2, Fireworks

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 Sitting outside, you stared up at the sky. You heard the sound of fireworks going off in the distance. Glancing around, you noticed a group of people a couple houses down were setting off their own fireworks. You let out a sigh, wanting to bang your head against a wall. You absolutely hated family gatherings. While you didn't mind spending time with your cousins, you hated that your grandma was the one who had to watch over you. She always seemed to pick on you.

"Hey! (y/n)! Catch!" one of your cousins yelled, throwing you a pack of Pop-Its.

You caught it, flipping the box over a few times. Opening the box, you took out one of the packs and tried to open it. The plastic, however, didn't seem to budge. You pulled with all your might yet still couldn't get the package to open.

"Here, lemme get it," Kiki, one of your favorite cousins, said, taking the package. She messed around with it for a few seconds before ripping the plastic open. "Here you go," she said, handing you the now open package.

"Thank you," you said, smiling up at her.

"No problem," she said, ruffling your hair.

You took one of the Pop-Its, throwing it at the ground and laughing as it made a small popping noise. Kiki took one from the bag and popped it between her fingers.

"What is going on?!" an all too familiar voice yelled.

You and your cousins looked up to where the noise was coming from. Standing at the top of the stairs to the house was your grandma. She was glaring down, but you were pretty sure the glare was directed at you. She stomped down the stairs, a few of your aunts and uncles looking outside to see what was going on.

"We're just playing with the fireworks dad gave us," Derik, one of your cousins, said, shrugging.

"Without any supervision?" your grandma asked.

"I'm 18, I'm responsible," Derik said.

"You're still a child! You're all still children! You shouldn't be playing with fireworks!" your grandma exclaimed.

"Oh, leave them alone. It's the 4th of July," (m/n) said, walking out from the house.

"These kids should not be allowed to mess around with fireworks. They are too young!" your grandma yelled.

The argument between the two adults continued. Some of the other parents joined to either defend the two or try and break it up. You started to get stressed from all the yelling. It was hurting your head. Getting up from your spot on the beach, you darted off. You could hear your mother call your name, but you really didn't care.

You skidded to a stop behind one of the cars outside the house, sitting down and leaning against it. You had your knees pulled up to your chest as you tried not to start crying. A few minutes later, you heard the sound of footsteps walking down the driveway. You stayed as still and quiet as possible, not wanting to be found. Suddenly, a Bendy plush was pressed against your cheek.

"Hey, darlin'. What's wrong?" Kiki asked, doing her best impression of Bendy.

You frowned, lightly pushing the doll away.

"Come on, darlin'! Don't be lookin' so sad! It's the Fourth of July! Have a little fun, hun," Kiki said.

"I don't wanna talk to you," you mumbled.

"Will you talk to me, then?" Kiki asked, her voice going back to normal. You pulled your knees closer, turning away. "I know you don't like family stuff. Trust me, I don't either. You just have to learn to do as grandma says for now. If you can do that, everything will be a lot better."

"Easy for you to say. Grandma loves you..." you mumbled.

"Yeah, well, I also suck up to her. A lot. It's hard, but if you want to make it to adulthood it's what you gotta do," Kiki said.

"I don't wanna be an adult. I wanna be in the Bendy Show," you whined.

Kiki laughed, ruffling your hair. "Man I wish. Being in a cartoon show sounds so fun. Everything would be nice and happy, and if you're the main character or friends with the main character, you'll always win!" Kiki exclaimed.

"If I were in the Bendy Show, I'd be Bendy's girlfriend!" you said.

"And I'd be best friends with Alice. We'd put on the best concerts the toon world has ever seen," Kiki said.

The familiar screeching sound of a firework being lit up echoed through the air. You slammed your hands over your ears, just before the explosion went off. You could feel Kiki wrap her arms around you and place the Bendy doll in your lap.

"You can borrow my headphones if you want," she said, rubbing your back.

You nodded and Kiki began to pull out her headphones from her bag. She was really nice, just like Bendy.

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now