3: Doll

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As you started to wake up, the world around you was blurry. You could tell you were still in the studio, you just didn't know where. Your body hurt. It felt like you had been dropped down a flight of stairs.

As your vision slowly started to come back, you could start to make out different objects in the room. There was a couch that you were currently sitting on, a desk, a chair, a few shelves, and a Bendy cutout. Plastered all over the walls were different posters for The Bendy Show episodes. However, the weirdest thing was an inverted pentagram in the center of the room with lit candles surrounding it.

You slowly sat up, holding your head. "What the hell..." you mumbled.

"I see you're up," a voice said from behind you.

You screamed, stumbling off the couch and falling to the ground with a thud. Your left leg bent in an awkward way and you cringed, biting your lip to keep you from screaming again. You looked up, seeing the monster that had chased you. Upon closer inspection, you could see he resembled a warped version of Bendy. He was much, much taller, his horns were pointier, his bowtie was crooked, and ink was dripping off of him as if he was melting.

"Don't be scared, Doll. It's me! You're little devil darlin'!" the creature said, stalking up to you.

"I-I don't know you," you said, raising your arms and backing away.

"C'mon, Doll. Don't be like this. I'm not gonna hurt you."

"No! Leave m-me alone!"

"Do you... not remember me?"

You slowly looked up at the creature, lowering your arms. His voice was full of hurt and you could see him shrink back a little.

"You were trying to kill me and Henry. Of course I'd fucking remember you," you said.

The creature flinched at your words. "I'd never try to hurt you, Doll. You know this," he said, reaching down and cupping your cheeks.

"No I don't! I've never met you!" you yelled.

"Don't be like this, Doll. It's me, your little devil-"

"Stop it! That's Bendy's line! You're not Bendy!" you screamed.

"I am Bendy. You of all people should know this, (m/n)," the creature growled.

You froze. He couldn't think you were your mother, right? Yeah, you looked a lot like her when she was your age, you two were still different. It's not like you're exactly like your mom, right? This creature knows people age, right?

You took a deep breath, trying to think of a way to get out of this. If you just told him, he'd let you go, right? Yeah! He'd realize it's all just some big understanding and let you go! You hoped.

"I-I'm not (m/n)..." you slowly said, hoping and praying you didn't piss him off.

"... what?" the creature said. His voice was barely above a whisper.

"I'm (y/n), h-her daughter," you said.

The creature was silent. He just stared down at you, unmoving. It felt like he had been staring for what felt like hours. Then, finally, he started laughing. It was quiet at first, but soon he was practically doubled over laughing. You shuffled back, wanting to put as much distance as possible between you and the creature.

"You're joking... right..?" the creature said, his laughter subsiding.

You remained quiet.

"You're joking, right?" he repeated, a bit slower this time.

"N-no. (m/n) is my mom," you said.

The creature took a few steps back. He started mumbling to himself, the only words you could make out being "love" and "promised". It started to scare you.

Suddenly, the creature grabbed you by the arm and yanked you up, holding you a good foot off the ground.

"She... she was supposed to be mine!" he screamed, before throwing you like a rag doll across the room. You hit the opposite wall with a bang and heard something snap before falling to the ground.

You tried to push yourself up, your arms shaking. Tears were making their way down your cheeks. You could hear the creature stomping over to you. You were scared. You were very, very scared.

Slowly, the creature bent down, grabbing your hair and lifting your head up. You could see him shaking with rage, his body tense and his breathing heavy. Then, out of nowhere, he calmed down, bringing you close and cradling your body.

"I'm sorry, Doll. I'm so, so sorry," he mumbled.

You were too scared to answer. Right now, this monster controlled whether you lived or died. Pissing him off could mean certain death. While you weren't too against the idea of dying, there was still a part of you that didn't want to. You were scared to die and you wanted to make sure Henry was okay. He was nice to you, despite being a total stranger.

"Let me make-"

The creature was cut off by the sound of a speaker system turning on. A man's voice rang through the speakers, though he sounded a bit muffled. The creature growled, setting you down and stalking over to the inverted pentagram before sinking into it.

With the creature gone, you stood up, looking around the room. There had to be a way out. Sure enough, there was a door on the wall to your left. You ran up to it, attempting to turn the door knob to no avail.

"Of course it's fucking locked. Why wouldn't it be," you grumbled.

Despite your body already being in pain, you decided that your only way out was to bash the door down. You took a few steps back before charging at the door. You hit the door with your shoulder, causing the wood to snap. Though, the door wasn't fully busted down yet. You stepped back and charged at the door again, practically throwing your body at it. The second you made impact, the door broke apart, causing you to tumble to the ground.

You sat there for a minute, in pain and slightly dazed, before standing up. You ran down the hallway, holding the shoulder you used to ram the door. Your legs were still sore from nearly being crushed and your spine felt like it had been dislocated from getting thrown against the wall, but you kept running. You had to keep running. This was life or death and right now you wanted to live.

After running for what felt like forever, you tripped over your own feet and fell to the ground with a crash. You lay there, your body aching and a feeling of exhaustion washing over you. You could hear footsteps walking towards you. You slowly looked up, seeing someone at the end of the hall getting closer. As they got closer, you could slowly start to make out their appearance. As realization hit of who this was, your eyes widened.

"B-... Boris?"


Little fun fact for y'all, pentagrams aren't satanic. When Christianity was making it's way around Europe, the Christains decided that if it wasn't there to warship God, it was satanic. Because of this, the Christain religion depicted pentagrams as satanic. They, of course, are not.

The inverted pentagram, however, is satanic. So, I'm glad current me saw middle school me's fucky wucky and decided to fix it.

Edited: 11/19/2020

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now