Halloween Special

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WARNING: this chapter has not been edited yet

This chapter has no relation to the main story. Also, sorry it's a bit late.


At this point, you weren't sure what to feel. It was just a normal Halloween night. Henry had asked you to watch over Bendy and Boris while he went out trick or treating with his granddaughter. This Halloween was especially windy so you weren't supprised when your neighborhood and the area around it lost power. What shocked you was what happened during the power outage.

You had just finished putting some wood in your fireplace when you heard a scream from the small study room you left Bendy, Boris, and Alice in followed by two more screams. You froze for a few seconds, not sure about what you should do. That's when you heard a crash.

You jumped up from your place infront of the fireplace and ran to the study room. When you got to the door, you heard something that didn't sound human. You slowly opened the door and gasped at the sight.

Laying on the floor were two creatures that resembled Bendy and Boris and a now deformed toon version of Alice, which looked extremely similar to how she looked when you first met her.

The Boris-like creature looked like a Frankenstein version of Boris. His chest was ripped open and his whole body was extremely disproportionate. His eyes were the clasic "x" shape you'd see when a cartoon character died and he had some sort of wiring that kept his head from falling off.

The Bendy-like creature was massive. His arms were massive while his legs were extremely short and stubby. He had spines going down his back anf on his shoulders. His face was completely covered in ink, save for his mouth which held teeth that were jagged and out of place. His horns were thin and slimmed back to where it looked like a cat's ears.

The three lifted their heads to look at you. They all seemed to be in some sort of pain.

"P... plea..se... help..." Alice said, her voice just above a whisper. She reached a shaky hand out towards you.

You ran to her side and placed her head in your lap. Bendy made his way over to the two of you, helping Boris move along as well. You pulled Boris close and Bendy wrapped himself around the three of you.

"I promise I'll stay with you until you change back..."


You awoke to light streaming through the study window. Your eyes squinted, adjusting to the light. When you could properly see, you noticed that you were holding a now human Alice and Boris in your arms and there was a now human Bendy who had his arms wrapped around your waste.

There was a knock at your door and you carefully stood up and left the study. You opened the front door to be greeted by Henry.

"Good morning, (y/n). Sorry I left you with Bendy and Boris." Henry said, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's fine. They didn't cause any trouble." You smiled.

"That's good, but I should be taking them back home." Henry said.

You nodded. You were gonna tell him what happened but decided against it. You didn't want him to worry.

One thing is for sure, though. That Halloween has to have been the most eventful Halloween you've had in a long time.


So my inspiration was from a very strange final boss from Chapter 5 of the game. I still don't get the ending but that's just life. All I know is now I have more forms to work with.

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now