25: Alive

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WARNING: this chapter has not been edited yet

So I'm pissed at my substitute right now so me writing this chapter after finishing my work in record time is a bit of silent revenge. Also someone commented that the attacks Bendy and Boris had were similar to the ink illness from babatqftim and not even a day later babatqftim started flooding my dash on Pinterest. So yeah. I'm now cursed to relive old fandoms.



You froze. This was not happening. This was a joke, right? This is just some dumb joke. In a few seconds they're going to say "just kidding!" and you were all going to laugh about it.

"Y-you came back! You actually came back!" Bendy exclaimed.

Alice ran up and hugged you. She was shaking. Bendy was next to hug you, then Boris. They all looked about ready to cry. You were about ready to cry. Not because you were happy to see them, but because you were scared. If they were trying to scare you they were doing a damn good job at it.

"We were so worried you'd never come back!" Alice smiled, "But now you're here!"

"I-I-I'm not..." you started.

"(M/N)? Are you okay?" Boris asked.

"I-I'm not her," you whispered.

"What?" Bendy asked.

"I'm not (M/N)," you said a bit louder.

"Stop joking around," Alice said.

"I'm not joking," you turned to her.

"I'm being serious (M/N)-"

"I'm not (M/N)! I'm her daughter, (Y/N)!" you yelled.

They stopped and stared, as if you just said the world was going to end and it was all because of a piece of moldy cheese.

"Y-you're not?" Boris asked.

"No, I'm sorry," I said, rubbing my arm.

Bendy lowered his head and started shaking. He clenched his fists and glared at the ground, a few ink tears falling from his eyes. You barely heard him mumble, "she didn't love me?"

"I'm sorry," you said.

"So why are you here?" Boris asked.

You didn't know how to respond. Do you tell them your mom is dead or do you tell them that she broke her legs or something like that. Telling them she's dead will make them upset. Besides, you don't know where you are, but you're obviously not in your world so for all you know, she could be alive. If you tell them she couldn't make it, you'll be lying to them and you don't want to lie.

"I-I just wanted to see the place. Mom said she would take me but never has so I decided to check it out for myself," you said. It's not a lie so...

Then, a thought struck you. What if you don't exist here and your mom is still alive. What if you run into her? What would happen? You shivered a little. You read a few books on alternate word theories and none of them ended well. The protagonist always wound up screwing up the alternate world and causing it's downfall. You didn't want to do that.

"If you're (M/N)'s daughter, then who's your dad?" Bendy asked.

You froze. Your dad? The dad you never knew? The dad your mom hated with a burning passion so bright she would refuse to even tell you his name or even associate herself with him? How were you supposed to tell him that. He'd go ballistic. Hell, Alice would go ballistic. You don't even know if your mom met him in this world.

"H-he's dead. He died of... of... uh..." your mind started to blank. This wasn't good.

"How about we drop the subject," Alice said.

Bendy stared you down for a few seconds before turning to Alice and giving her a curt nod. You've been spared by the angel. You start to wonder if maybe your grandma was right about there being a God out there.


After a few more hours of talking, Boris made dinner, which was a can of bacon soup that went past the expiration date a few months ago, then everyone started to settle in for the night. You didn't plan on going to sleep. One, the bacon soup was probably going to keep you in the bathroom all night and two, you wanted to take a look around outside. You could go and see if maybe your mom is still alive and if there's another you.

Right as everyone was about to fall asleep, you heard the sound of banging footsteps above you. Alice shot up and Boris curled into a ball.

"Please don't be Joey, please don't be Joey," you heard Bendy mumble from the corner of the room.

You could hear someone yelling something but was muffled by the celling. The footsteps started to fade away before they came back, this time sounding like they were on the same floor you were on. You pushed yourself back against the wall.

The door to the room slammed open and light flooded in. "(y/n)!" a voice yelled before you were pulled into a hug. You heard gasps from Bendy, Boris and Alice. "Thank lord you're okay! I was so worried when you didn't come home!" the voice said, "I knew I should have kept a better eye on you but you're old enough to be trusted with more responsibilities. Besides, you're too old to be worrying your mother like this!"


Hahaha I wanna cry but you know what that's okay because crying is good for the soul and that's why I added in a nice thing at the end because nice things are nice and y 'all deserve nice things. I'm so tired and I have no clue what I'm going to do with the next 15+ chapters. Also I didn't add a chapter image because one, I'm lazy, two, I can't find a good one and three, I'm in Spanish class while writing this. Yeah. Anyways I'm still so happy that you guys put up with the BS I call my chapters.

I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader) UNDER HEAVY EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now