1: The Encounter

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   "You won't get away this time, you brat!"

   I was, in fact, getting away. . . like I always did. These guys looked tough, but when it came down to it I knew I could take them out in an instant with my nen. I wanted to avoid a fight tonight if possible though. I was on a mission. I was only here for one thing—the amulet of bellamara. It was once owned by an empress and said to bring luck to anyone who wore it.

   But more importantly, it brings a pretty good profit if you have the right buyer, and there were plenty in the city for the auction.

   And now that I'd gotten ahold of the amulet, I had to get back to the room I was renting on the outskirts of the city. I just had to lose these stupid grunts first.

   "Get back here!"

   I felt a bullet whiz by my ear, narrowly missing my head.

   If it's a shootout they want, I'll give it to them.

   I grabbed at one of the bracelets stacked on my wrist, pulling it so harshly that it snapped, sending beads flying through the air. I quickly enhanced them with my nen and sent them spraying at the men who followed me.

   For a while, killing had taken a toll on me. I had been orphaned at a young age and was taken in by a priest. He drilled into me the value and importance of human life. I had once believed it to be sacred—that there was good and light in everyone—but I left those beliefs buried in the ashes of the church.

   Now, I felt nothing as the beads ripped through their bodies and they crumpled to the ground. It was as simple as crossing a task off of a 'to do' list, just something that had to be done.

   I stepped into a nearby alley to catch my breath and check that the amulet was still in my bag. The streetlight above reflected in the metal of the amulet, sending a glare out into the street. I said a silent prayer as I stuffed it back into my bag, hoping no one had been around to see.

   I wasn't lucky enough, though. A blade sliced through the air, cutting deep into my side. I winced at the sudden pain. I hadn't felt the presence of whoever had thrown the knife. It had to have been another nen user.

   I looked out of the alley to see him standing in the street with two other men. By the way they were dressed, I could tell that they were all part of the same team that had been following me. Their auras told me that this would not be an easy fight.

   "Hand it over," the man in front said.

   I smiled. "I'm not sure what you mea—"

   "Don't play dumb. You have something that belongs to our boss. Give it back and we might just let you live."

   I took a fighting stance, activating my nen. "Not a fucking chance."

   The men all ran at me. From under my skirt, I grabbed the two daggers I kept strapped to my thighs. I'd be ready to slash at them if they got too close, but as they stood only a few feet away they were suddenly wrapped in chains.

   My eyes followed them back to where they'd come from. There was someone standing in the shadows. He was radiating a very powerful aura. "Three-on-one doesn't seem like a fair fight," he yelled to the men in front of me. He sounded young.

   "Mind your own business, kid! The adults are working things out."

   The boy tightened his chains around the men. His aura was quickly turning darker and more aggressive. There was a subtle shift in the three men, something barely noticeable, but I could tell they were a little afraid.

   "Whatever issue you have with her, forget it. Tell your boss she got away. Just leave her alone and I'll let you go."

   I wasn't even the one in chains and this kid was starting to give me chills. Something about his voice was so commanding and final. I was frozen in place.

   The man in the middle gritted his teeth in frustration, but finally gave in. "Fine," he agreed before turning to me. "But if we ever see you again you won't be so lucky."

   He released them from his hold and they ran back toward the heart of the city, glaring back at me as they disappeared into the night.

   "Thank you," I said to the boy after the men were gone.

   "Don't worry about it," he said, remaining hidden in the shadows. "Just try to stay out of trouble from now on. The people here aren't so quick to forgive."


   We went our separate ways. I was once again heading back to my hotel. I stuck to the alleyways, not wanting to be seen in case the three goons hadn't really gone home for the night.

   I was almost back to safety. I could see the light of the street up ahead. It was so close, I had completed my mission! And then a silhouette appeared up ahead, blocking my exit.

  I knew they didn't leave.

   But as I got closer I realized that it wasn't one of the men who had been chasing me. The man blocking the exit had slicked back blond hair and wore a track suit. He towered over me. Alarms started blaring in my head. I turned to run, but realized I was trapped when I found a man about my height standing behind me. I could barely make him out at first since he was dressed head-to-toe in all black.

   I didn't recognize either of them. These weren't the same guys as before. But then who were they? I needed to get out of here. I tried pushing past the smaller man, but he was ready. He caught me by the hands and pulled my arms behind my body, pinning me up against the brick outer wall of the apartment buildings.

   "You're coming with us," the taller man said, leaning down to smirk at me.

   I spat in his face.

   He wiped the saliva off of his skin with the back of his hand. Anger quickly washed over his features. "Remember this next time you decide to pull something like that." And then he hit me so hard that it knocked me out.

Author's Note:
Hi! Thank you for reading my first chapter! I hope you liked it and will stick around for more :)

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