26: The Last Morning on The Island

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   The sun filtered through the curtains early the next morning, coaxing me out of a deep sleep.

   What really jolted me into consciousness though was the feeling of foreign skin against my own. I froze in place, petrified by the realization that I was nestled into Feitan's chest—not only that, but his arms were wrapped around me and our legs were intertwined.

   How had this happened?

   I gently lifted my head off of his chest to find that our pillow barrier had been kicked to the foot of the bed.


   Was this my fault? I didn't recall doing it, but I could have. Somehow. Subconsciously.

   I had to try to get away while he was still asleep. I wasn't sure how he'd react if he woke up to find me in his arms, but I had a feeling it wouldn't go over well.

   Slowly, gently, I tried to inch away from him, but as soon as I did his hands slid under my shirt and up my back. He pulled me closer to him, tightening his hold so that I was completely caged in his arms.

   "Fuck," I breathed.

   All the work I'd done to avoid him these past couple of weeks, all the progress I'd made in getting him out of my head, it was all shattered. All I could focus on now was the sweet, minty smell of his skin and how warm his body felt against mine. This was what I'd been depriving myself of? Was he really all that bad?

   My question was immediately answered as Feitan woke up. Once he'd realized the position we were in he panicked and shoved me away from him so hard that I was thrown from the bed and landed with a crash onto the floor.

   "What are you doing?!" He yelled, his tone accusatory as if I'd plotted the whole thing.

   "What are YOU doing?!" I snapped back, groaning as I felt the pain from every part of my body that had collided with the hardwood. I'd definitely have a couple of bruises from that.

   "Why you on top of me?!"

   "I didn't mean to be! I tried to get away without waking you when I realized what was going on, but you wouldn't let me go! You just held me tighter!"

   His eyes widened in shock and every muscle in his body suddenly tensed. It was like I was watching his brain short-circuit. "Did not. . . did not mean to."

   "Well, neither did I. So can we both just fucking relax and forget it happened?"

   "Fine," he agreed.

   We got dressed and went downstairs to meet up with the others. Phinks and Shalnark were already sitting in the lobby waiting for us.

   "Are you guys okay?" Phinks asked.

   "Of course," I replied, trying to suppress my nervous laughter. "Why wouldn't we be?"

   "It sounded like quite a commotion up there," Shalnark said.

   Phinks nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. "Lots of yelling."

   "Everything is fine," Feitan snapped.

   "Alright, jeez, sorry for asking."

   A few minutes later, Franklin and Kortopi came down the stairs and into the lobby.

   "Hey, did you hear all that yelling this morning?" Franklin asked. "I wonder what that was about."

   "Are we ready to go?" I asked in an effort to change the subject. I just wanted to get out of the inn and away from Feitan as soon as possible.

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