40: The Lodge

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Warning: Sexual content

   Originally, the troupe had planned to disband once we'd given Hisoka the money for the exorcist. We had figured that Chrollo would call us all back together when he needed us, so we were free to do as we pleased until then.

   That was, of course, until we found the letters. If children were being taken from Meteor City, then we needed to put a stop to it.

   Our first day of travel was winding down to an end. We were traveling on foot, so we were exhausted, but we'd made good distance. We only decided to stop when it started pouring rain, changing our course and heading for the nearest town in the mountains. Shalnark had found a lodge for us to stay the night in. He came back from the front desk, dangling five sets of keys—two to a room again.

   "Y/n, you're with me," he beamed. "I asked for the most romantic room they have."

   Feitan frowned, snatching the key from his hand. "No."

   Shal laughed. "God, it gets funnier every time. You're too easy, Feitan."

   "Hilarious," he deadpanned.

   While Shal had been joking about the two of us rooming together, he wasn't lying about having asked for a romantic room. Everything seemed to be in a deep, comforting shade of red or another complimentary color. There were rose petals that lead from the door to the bed, and a bottle of wine sat in a bucket of ice atop the table by the window.

   "Hate him," Feitan sighed as he looked around the room.

   I took my now completely soaked shoes off and walked around the bed to find the bathroom. I was caked in mud and sweat from our long day of walking and desperately needed a shower. The bathroom was equally as tacky as the rest of the room. The walls were a blush pink color and there was a cherry red, heart-shaped jacuzzi tub. Standing beside it was a stall shower with a pink, frosted cut-glass door. I turned the water on, peeled my wet clothes off, and stepped inside.

   I hadn't realized how cold I was until the hot water began to seep into my skin. As I let it run through my hair, I thought about our mission. In just four more days, we'd reach Meteor City. In four days I might finally get answers, or revenge, or both. I was hoping for both.

   Just as I'd finished rinsing the shampoo suds from my hair, a loud crack of thunder shook the lodge and caused the power to cut out. I involuntarily shrieked as I was plunged into darkness, wrapping my arms around my body as I suddenly felt incredibly vulnerable.

   "You okay?" Feitan's voice called through the door.

   "I'm fine, I just. . . I can't see anything. I don't think there are any windows in here, so it's completely dark."

   My hands blindly searched for the knobs to turn the shower off. After nearly scorching myself with the hot water, I twisted the knobs the right way and the water halted altogether. Now, I felt vulnerable and cold.

   "Need help?" Feitan asked.

   I wanted to open the glass door of the shower stall to see if my eyes could adjust enough to find my clothes, but I couldn't even do that, I was just uselessly pushing against it as I searched for the handle.

   I sighed, giving up. "Yeah, the door's unlocked."

   I heard it open and suddenly a column of bright light was being refracted in the glass design of the shower door. Feitan must've been using the flashlight on his phone or something.

   "What you need?"

   His flashlight illuminated the shower stall enough that I could see the handle of the door. I tried to force it open, but it wouldn't budge.

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