4: The Base

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   "Alright!" Nobunaga said, wrapping an arm around me. "You made the right choice, kid. I didn't want to have to strike you down."

   The leader smiled. "I'll have Shizuku show you to your room and fill you in on the plan for our upcoming mission."

   "And my weapons? My belongings?" I asked.

   All I really cared about was getting the amulet back. I had gone through too much to get it. I didn't want to tell them about it, though. They were thieves after all.

   He nodded. "I'll have Feitan return everything to you at once. What is your name, by the way?"

   "It's Y/n."

   "Lovely to meet you, Y/n. Welcome to the Phantom Troupe."

   "Thank you," I replied before being lead out of the room by the girl in the glasses, Shizuku.

   She brought me up a crumbling staircase to the next level of the building.

"This is where the majority of our rooms are, but there are a couple more floors. We're spread out between them, so it's up to you where you'd like your room to be."

   "I don't mind a bit of a climb," I told her. Really, I just wanted to put a bit of space between myself and the others.

   "Hmm, how about the fourth floor, then? Not many of us are up there."

   "Sounds perfect."

   There were four doors on each side of the hallway. Shizuku suggested that I take the room on the end, since it would have more natural light. "Some of the members actually prefer the darker rooms," she said. "Can you believe that?"

   The room I picked had windows on two of the walls. The view from the fourth floor was alright. I could see the city in the distance, but everything in between seemed desolate.

   Where are we?

   There was a knock on the door before Machi let herself in. "Hey, I brought you a bedroll and a lantern. Sorry it's not much right now, but we'll get you a real bed. It just doesn't make sense to furnish the empty rooms, you know?"

   "How did you know where to find us?" Shizuku asked, surprised to see her.

   "Well, Shiku, I had a feeling you'd try to talk her into picking a room on the same floor as you."

   "You live on this floor, too?" I asked her.

   She smiled. "Yep! I'm across the hall at the other end. So, if you ever need anything just feel free to pop in!"

   "Just make sure you knock first," Machi said, wrapping an arm around Shizuku's waist. "Did you tell her who else lives on this floor, Shiku?"

   "Oh, right! Well, Feitan is right next door to you, so I guess you could always go to him if you needed anything, too."

   Are you fucking kidding me?

   Machi laughed. "Yeah, you probably should've mentioned that sooner."

   Shizuku didn't seem to understand. "What? Why? You don't like Feitan?"

   As if she'd summoned him, he appeared in the doorway.

   "Oh hey, Feitan," Machi said, "We were just talking about you."

  "Yes. So I heard." He handed me my bag and my daggers, sheathed in their holsters. "Here." He stood for a moment as if he expected me to thank him, but I didn't, so he left.

   "Ohhh," Shizuku said. "I see now. Yeah, that was really awkward. You guys do NOT like each other."

   "No, we don't."

   "Well, hey, I'm sure that'll change once you spend more time together!"

   "Oh yeah," Machi added sarcastically, "all that bonding time has really made me love Hisoka."

   "That isn't fair! No one likes Hisoka!"

   "He's the wannabe clown," Machi explained to me. "If I were you I'd avoid him like the plague."

   "Noted. So, what's this mission we've got anyway?"

   Shizuku's face lit up as she told me all about our plans for this evening. In short, we were taking over the auction hall and making duplicates of all of the items that were supposed to be auctioned off, keeping the real items for ourselves. It was a really good plan. Too bad I wouldn't be around for it.

   I was still looking for a chance to escape. There was no way that the troupe would have let me get out alive earlier, but if there was a chance I could sneak away when we were carrying out the mission then I didn't think it was likely they'd try to hunt me down or anything. I mean, it seemed like they had their hands full with this chain user guy.

   "Of course, once we get into the auction hall you'll have to blend in. . ."

   I followed Shizuku's eyes down to the blood stain on my shirt. "Oh. Right."

   "It's okay! I probably have something you can borrow," she offered.

   "Oh, no, that's fine. I actually have more clothes back at my hotel. I have to move all of my stuff in here anyway, right?"

   This could be the perfect chance to escape. I'd just run back to the hotel, grab my stuff, and leave York New City. I'd be long gone before they even realized that I wasn't coming back.

   "Perfect! You probably have time to go before the mission, but you'll just have to run it by the boss first."

   I worried that their leader would be able to see through my plan as soon as I pitched it, but he didn't seem to have a problem with letting me leave.

   "Of course," he said when I asked. "I didn't expect you to leave behind your old life entirely when you joined us. I'll have someone go with you to help you move everything."

   Maybe he had seen through my plan. "Oh, that's not necessar—"

   "I insist." He looked around the room for someone he could volunteer. "Feitan, could you help y/n retrieve her belongings?"

   He looked annoyed at having been asked, but he stood from where he sat with Phinks and lead me out of the room.

   This would complicate things a bit.

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