45: The Dream

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Warning: Sexual Content (only in the second part of the chapter)

   I could hardly sleep. I was tossing and turning all night. It was a wonder I didn't wake Fei, who was normally such a light sleeper.

I spent hours staring at the ceiling, familiarizing myself with every chip in the paint as I prayed for sleep to come. Sometime after midnight I heard footsteps climbing the stairs. I couldn't remember when the sounds of the tv stopped, but I was glad that Phinks was finally heading to bed. Or, at least, that was what I thought was happening until the door to Fei's room opened.

I tilted my head up, ready to ask Phinks what the hell he was doing, but the question caught in my throat when I saw that it wasn't him.

". . . Muiri?"

I sat up. A million questions raced through my mind. How was she alive? How did she find us? How was any of this happening?

"What are you doing here?"

She seemed confused, like the answer should have been obvious. "I'm looking for my parents. What are you doing here?"

"You're looking for your parents? In Feitan's house?"

"Oh, is that where we are?" She looked around the room. "You didn't answer my question, you know."

"And you still aren't answering mine."

Her brows furrowed. "Yes, I am. I told you i'm looking for my parents."

"That doesn't make any sense. They're obviously not in Feitan's house." I emphasized the last part, since she still didn't seem to grip how strange her behavior was.

"Well, I couldn't find them anywhere else. So, where'd they go?"

I felt a sudden pang of guilt. I had told myself i'd protect her parents from Akira and now I didn't even know where they were. "Honestly, Muiri, I'm not sure. They left the city when the chimera ants attacked."

She hummed, looking around the room, like she was trying to take in every detail. I felt a chill prickling on the back of my neck as a question entered my mind.

"Muiri. . . How did you even find Meteor City? We never talked about it before."

She turned back to me. A devilish smile stretched across her face. "Oh, I know everything, Bunny."

No, it couldn't be. . .

She chuckled at the way my body tensed. "What? Surely you didn't think i'd given up on you?"

In a panic, I reached over to wake Fei up, but he didn't move. I turned and was shocked to find his eyes wide and lifeless. When I pulled my hands away from him they were covered in blood. I couldn't breathe. There was an ache in my chest like my heart had been ripped out. He was fine a moment ago. I was sure of it. This didn't make any sense. Nothing made any sense.

"Am I dreaming?" My head was reeling as I tried to wipe the blood from my hands, though it wouldn't come off no matter what I did. If anything, it only seemed to smear and spread. "How. . . How is this. . ."

She started laughing, the tone of it laced with a sadistic kind of satisfaction.

"Why are you here?" I demanded. "Why now?"

"I was angry when you left. It took some time to heal, but I'm ready to forgive you." She reached out and brushed her hand down my cheek. "All I want is for you to come home so we can be happy again."

"Happy?" I scoffed. "We've never been happy. You kept me as your prisoner! You tortured me!"

"I did it all out of love, bunny—"

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