12: The Ability

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   I followed Nobunaga, Feitan, Phinks, and Hisoka out of the base. I'd call where we stopped 'the backyard,' but there was no grass or anything, it was just more jagged rocks and dirt.

   "What's this about?" Phinks questioned when Nobunaga stopped walking and turned to face the rest of us.

   "I want to see Y/n's nen ability," he replied. "Unfortunately, she can't activate it without being provoked."

   Phinks scoffed. "Why'd you drag the rest of us along if you're the one who wants to see it so bad? I couldn't care less."

   "Because I don't know how powerful it is and might need a few extra hands to take her down." He seemed almost annoyed at Phinks for asking such a ridiculous question.

   "What is your plan?" Feitan asked.

   "Hisoka," Nobunaga said, turning his attention to the clown, who hummed in response to his name, "Machi mentioned that your ability might be good for entrapment."

   "Ah, yes, you must mean my bungee gum. It allows my aura to possess both the properties of rubber and—"

   "Look, I don't care what you call it or why. Could it be used to restrain someone without breaking?"

   It was clear that Hisoka didn't appreciate being interrupted, but he was too curious to refuse to help. "Of course. I would say that it's nearly impossible to break my bungee gum."

   "Good. Go ahead and use it on Y/n."

   "What?!" I exclaimed before I understood his reasoning. He was going to try to force Poe out of me, and in order to ensure his safety, as well as the safety of the others, he had decided to restrain me, likely until I regained consciousness in my human form.

   Hisoka approached me with a a sadistic smile. I couldn't tell by the look in his eyes if he was picturing himself killing me or having his way with me—probably both, honestly. Something about his aura felt so dangerous that it sent shivers through my body. I couldn't help but shrink away when he cupped my face in his hands.

   "Nervous?" He teased in his terrifyingly soothing voice. The bloodlust practically dripped off of his fingers as he dragged them down my neck, my shoulders, my back—

   "Do you have to touch her so much?" Feitan asked.

   "Yeah," Nobunaga agreed, "this feels. . . almost wrong to watch."

   Hisoka smirked. "I'm just being safe. Or would you prefer I pick a single spot to attach my aura and hope that that's enough?"

   Nobunaga grumbled in response. "Alright, fine, just make it quick."

   Even once his hands left my body, I could still feel Hisoka all around me. It nearly made me sick. I wanted a shower more than anything, but still wasn't sure that even that would be enough to get rid of him.

   "Alright, so now what?" Phinks asked. He was growing more impatient by the second.

   "We hit her," Feitan answered.

   "Or I could hit you!" I argued.

   "Well," Nobunaga interjected, rubbing his chin, "didn't you say that your ability only works if you're being attacked?"

   "Alright, fine. Who wants to be a target?"

   Nobunaga pulled his hair up. "I'm the one who's asking to see your ability, so I should be the one to—"

   "No," Feitan stepped forward. "I will do it."

  Great. The one person here who actually wants me dead.

   He focused his aura into his hand again as he came toward me. I stood still, waiting for him to strike, pretending not to notice the wild joy that danced behind his grey eyes. I activated my zetsu to block him, but was still sent staggering backwards.

   "That enough?" Feitan asked. "Or should I do it again?"

   I could feel the rage boiling in my blood. Would it be the worst thing in the world if I accidentally killed him? "No, that one hit was definitely enough."

   I grabbed one of my daggers from its holster and dragged it across my palm before drawing the inverted cross on my chest. I could've sworn I saw some sort of sadistic excitement flicker across Feitan's face—or what I could see of it, at least—before everything went dark.


   I opened my eyes and was met with the cracked ceiling of my bedroom on the fourth floor of the base. Somehow it surprised me to wake up here. I think I had almost expected them to leave me in the backyard until I came to.

   I thought I was alone until I heard pages turning and lifted my head to see Feitan sitting cross legged in the corner of my room, reading.

   Guess I didn't kill him, then.

   "You are finally awake," he said, not looking up from his book.

   I sat up and stretched. "How long was I out?"

   "An hour or so."

   That sounded about right.

   "You need to train your ability more. It is too inconvenient."

   Okay, now I was getting pissed. "I don't remember asking for your opinion."

   "Not just my opinion. It is what the boss wants. Your ability could be very useful if more controlled."

   I hated to admit it, but I knew that he was right. It would be nice to be able to use my nen without passing out for an hour afterwards. I just really wished that literally anyone else had suggested it.

   "Fine, I'll train more."

   "I will help."

   I frowned. "No, you don't have to do that."

   "Yes. Boss asked me to."

   Sometimes talking with him made me want to rip my hair out. This was one of those times.

   "Alright, fine. You can help I guess."

   He closed his book and stood up. "I will be outside. Do not make me wait."

   I threw the covers off of my body and stood up, following him to the door. "Wait, you meant right now? But I just woke up! I've barely recovered!"

   "Yes. Do it over and over until you have reached your limit.

   I tried to catch his wrist to stop him. "Wait, I—"

   He swatted my hand away and grabbed me by the throat, spinning me so that my back was pinned up against the door. He leaned in close to me, his eyes narrowing into a warning. "Do not touch me unless you wish to start something."

   "Right—sorry," I choked out.

   He let go of me and I landed unsteadily onto my feet again, rubbing at where his fingers had been wrapped around my neck.

   "Do not make me wait," he repeated, pulling me away from the door so that he could slip out of the bedroom.

   I crossed back over to my bedroll, where a glass of water was sitting on the floor. I picked it up and took a drink before following Feitan outside to do it all over again.

   This was going to be a long day.

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