34: The Deepest Scars

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   Warning: Sexual content, mentions of trauma/SA

   "Say it again."

   He leaned in closer to me—enough so that his mouth brushed the shell of my ear. Electric waves rippled through my body at the sensation.

   "I'm yours," I repeated.

   He slowly ghosted his lips along my skin, inching further down. "Again."

   "Feitan, why—ahh!" I winced as he bit down harshly on my neck.

   "Not what you were supposed to say." He gently pressed a kiss to the already-throbbing spot where he'd bitten me. "Try again."

   "I'm yours," I said again, my voice faltering a little.

   Hearing the subtle change in my tone, he pulled his head back, his eyes searching my expression for any sign of fear or resistance. "Alright?" he asked.

   I nodded.

   "Sorry, not gentle."

   "I didn't expect you to be."

   "Can't help myself. . . not with you." He cupped my face, running his thumb over my cheek. "Want me to stop? I will."

   I hooked my hands into his belt, pulling his body against mine. I could feel the heat burning between our lips, now only inches apart. "You'd better not."

   He smirked at my sudden boldness. "Will let it slide for now, but you are not the one who gives orders. Will not be as forgiving next time."

   He used his foot to kick my legs apart before grabbing my thighs and hooking them around his waist, pressing me against the door. I ran my hands up his chest, snaking my arms around the back of his neck for support.

   "Wanted this for so long," he said. "Can usually control myself, but with you. . ."

   "I know how you feel," I agreed.

   He chuckled to himself. "This what you thought—sorry, what you had 'nightmares' about?"

   I felt my cheeks start to burn. "You knew the whole time, didn't you? You knew what was really going on."

   "That you were thinking about me?" He nodded. "That you wanted me touching you like this?" He stroked his hands up my thighs, stopping them at the hem of my dress and dragging them back down to my knees again. I shivered under his touch, my body begging for more.

   "Was flattered."

   I tried to keep my tone even despite the sudden change in my breathing. "Then why did you tease me so much about it?"

   "Liked seeing you flustered. Pretty when your cheeks are red." He shrugged. "And wanted you to keep thinking of me."

   "You thought I'd be able to stop so easily?"

   "Saw you getting closer with Phinks. Wanted to break his fingers every time he touched you. And Shal. When he wanted to stay in that room with you. Could have killed him."

   "Feitan, it was only ever you."

   He smirked, clearly proud of himself. "So, tell me what you thought of."

   If I wasn't scarlet before, then I definitely was now. "I'm not sure I really remember—"

   His hand wrapped around my throat again. "Yes you do. Can't lie to me."

   "Okay," I swallowed hard against the pressure. "I think. . . you were on top of me."

   He abruptly turned and carried me over to the bed, throwing me down on the mattress before climbing over me, his hair falling perfectly around his face. "Like this?" he teased.

The Razor's Edge [[Feitan x Reader]]Where stories live. Discover now