5: The Ambush

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"You really don't need to come with me," I said to him once we were walking through the halls.

"Yes, I do," he argued. "Boss's orders."

"I can find my way on my own."

He stopped walking.

"What are you doing?"

"You said you could find your way on your own."

"Right. . . I can."

"Then lead us out of the building."

I bit my cheek. "Alright, I will!"

I turned around and started walking again. I'd gone maybe ten feet before he spoke up.


"What now?" I groaned.

"You're going the wrong way."

He turned down the hallway to his right. I scurried along to catch up with him. I could feel the smugness radiating off of him. He had won this little battle between us.

We walked in silence most of the way to the hotel. As we drew closer to the city, a sense of worry started nagging at me. What if I couldn't get away from Feitan? What if he was too strong? I didn't even know what his nen ability was. I'd have to try to find out.

"Hey, so you're a transmuter, right? That's why you could cut me with just your hand?"

He already seemed suspicious. "Yes."

"So what else can you do? I mean, that can't be it."

"Why do you ask?"

I could tell he was trying to figure me out. I'd have to think carefully about how I answered his questions. "Well, since we're on the same team, I think it makes sense for us to know each other's abilities."

"Most of the troupe's abilities are kept a secret unless necessary. It's safer that way."

"What, you don't trust me?"


I couldn't trick him. He was too suspicious to let anything slip. "You don't have to be such an ass. I'm just trying to get to know you."

"I'm being polite."

"No, you aren't."

"I haven't killed you yet."

I rolled my eyes. "It's real cute that you're trying to scare me and all, but Shizuku told me that there's no fighting between troupe members."

"You aren't officially a member. You don't have a tattoo."

"A tattoo?"

"Yes. Of the spider. We all have one as a symbol of our loyalty."

"Where is yours? Can I see it?"

I thought maybe if I distracted him I could get another hit in and start running with a bit of a lead.

He was eyeing me suspiciously. "No."

"Is that because it's on your butt or something?"

I was just trying to get a reaction from him. Really, it could've been hidden anywhere since the majority of his body was covered. The only spots where it would've been visible were on his hands or face, and it wasn't on either.

"We don't need to talk, you know."

"I'm going to take that as a yes, then."

He ignored me until we got into the city, at which point he very bossily told me to lead the rest of the way to the hotel. I couldn't wait to be rid of him.

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