3: The Induction

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   It didn't take long for Machi to come. She wasn't cold or menacing like the others that I'd met. She was probably just a little taller than me and had bubblegum pink hair. The other woman didn't seem to react much to the things Feitan had done to me, but Machi looked a little uneasy.

   She noticed before I did that I was bleeding through my shirt. She lifted it to look at the cut and winced. "This is pretty deep."

   "I'm fine."

   "Are you sure, because I could—"

   "She said she's fine," Feitan interrupted.

   "I didn't ask you," she snapped. "And you," she said, turning to me again. "I don't believe you." Her hands glowed as she focused her aura into them. "You'll probably have a scar," she warned before the light from her hands exposed my already scar-ridden abdomen. She hadn't noticed them before, being too distracted by my most recent cut, but there was a subtle change in her eyes as they took everything in.

   "That's fine," I assured her.

   "Oh. . . well, never mind then."

   Strands of aura shot out of her fingers, attaching themselves to the skin around my cut. She moved with such speed that I'd barely realized what was happening before it was already over. I had never seen a nen ability like it. It was incredible.

   "There you go," she said when she'd finished. "All fixed up. Well, besides that cut on your thigh, but I don't think that one needs stitches."

   "There was no point in healing her," Feitan mumbled. "She's just going to die anyway."

   "You don't know what the boss will decide," Machi argued.

   She held her hands over me and my binds dissolved. I was finally free. I stood up and rubbed my wrists.

   "Follow us," Machi said, and they both turned to leave.

   Now is my chance.

   I snapped one of my bracelets and immediately enhanced the beads, sending them shooting in Feitan's direction. He was faster than I'd expected. He dodged all of my bullets but one—it just barely grazed his arm.

   Machi reacted quickly, using her nen threads to wrap my hands behind my back. "I thought you took all of her weapons?!"

   "I did." His eyes darkened as he looked back at me. He was focusing his nen in his hand again, preparing to strike.

   "Feitan, calm down!" Machi yelled at him. "You can't kill her!"

   "I do not take orders from you."

   "It's not for you to decide!"

   "She has already proven that she's an enemy."

   "That's up to the boss. I don't think she's a threat to the troupe, she's just pissed at you for torturing her. Isn't that right?" The last bit was directed at me.

   I nodded.

   "What reason would the boss have to keep her alive?"

   All she said in response was: "Uvo."

   Feitan straightened, dropping his nen. "Very well," he agreed and the two of them led me out of the little torture chamber and into a much bigger room. It looked almost like a cathedral, but it was falling apart. The room was filled with large rocks and rubble—really, the room itself seemed to be mostly made of stone. There were other people there who I assumed to be members of the same group, including the woman from before. Some of them were sitting on rocks while others were playing cards on the ground.

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