2: The Interrogation

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   I came to in a dimly lit room. There were rough ropes cutting into my wrists and ankles, keeping me tied to a wooden chair. I strained against them, trying to break free, but they were too strong.

   "Oh, good. You're awake."

   The voice was soft and almost gentle, but the figure it came from was not. I could just barely see him in the low light. He was sitting in the corner, reading a book. He closed it and slowly walked toward me. As my eyes adjusted I realized he was one of the same men from last night—the one who had grabbed me.

   I'd underestimated him before, not having gotten a good look at him. But now that he was standing in front of me I realized how intimidating he really was—and I don't think it was just because I was tied up. He was ghostly pale with dark, shoulder-length hair, and was wearing black from head to toe. A bandana covered the lower half of his face, but his eyes could be seen from over the top of it. They were cold and uncaring. I was definitely in trouble.

   I tried to free myself again, enhancing my body with my nen, but the binds still wouldn't budge.

   What the fuck are these made of?!?!

   "There is no point in struggling. You won't break out of Machi's ropes."

   "Who is Machi?"

   "Someone you won't live long enough to meet."

   And then I noticed them—the assortment of knives and medieval-looking torture devices that lined the walls. My blood went cold. Is he... is he gonna...

   He knelt down in front of me, turning my face back toward him. I could feel the bloodlust radiating from him. He enjoyed this.

   "What do you want from me?"

   "Just for you to answer a few questions."

   "And if I refuse?" I could have guessed the answer.

   "You're going to die anyway. How slowly is up to you."

   This had to be part of it. Just a form of psychological torture. He wasn't really going to kill me, he was just toying with me. Right? I mean, what had I done to these guys?

   "How do you know the chain user?"

   The guy who helped me?

   "Umm I don't?"

   I watched as his nen concentrated into his hand. His nails looked sharp as hell.

  What's he gonna do, scratch me to death?

   He pressed his fingertips against my thigh and slowly started dragging his nails across my skin. I clenched my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing me scream.

   To my surprise, he started laughing. I opened my eyes to meet his. He held his hand out in front of him. His fingers were stained with blood—my blood.

   "You know, the more you fight me, the more fun it will be to break you."

   He grabbed a rag off of a small tray and wiped his hands clean. When he set it back down he grabbed something else. As he came closer I realized it was one of my daggers. He must have taken my weapons before tying me to the chair.

   I was still wearing my bracelets though, so he must not have seen me use them before. I hoped I'd be able to use them when he wasn't looking.

  He might let his guard down since he doesn't consider me to be a threat.

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