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Ignore mistakes, please...

Jungkook groaned when he opened his eyes. After looking around, he tiredly sit and stood up to wash his face.

He washed his face and walked to the bed. He saw there was a cell phone... definitely, it was Taehyung's.

He grabbed the cell phone and put his own cell phone in his pocket and went outside.

"Hyung... I'm hungry please make something for me..." he shouted without seeing anything and sat on the couch, with Taehyung's cell phone.

But there was an eerie silence. He looked around but no one was there. He frowned and stood up and walked to find them.

"Did they leave me here alone to see the place?" Jungkook mumbled and opened the doors one by one. But no one was there.

He walked outside the cottage. That was noon, but still, there was not too much light in the dense trees.

"Where are they now??" He mumbled and walked outside to look around for them.

It was daytime so he was not afraid of anything. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed Jin's number.

"Hello hyung... where are you all?" He said as the phone was picked up on the other side.

"Jungkook... came into the room. My room quickly." Jin whispered and cut the call.

Jungkook walked a little far from the cottage, so he ran back to the place immediately.

Suddenly he felt someone or something run behind the cottage. He stopped and forgot to walk inside the cottage because of curiosity.

"Who is there??" 

He shouted and ran behind the cottage. He thought that his hyungs were pranking him so he ran behind the shadow he saw earlier.

"Hyung... if you are pranking something and trying to scare me, then don't do that. I'm not a scaredy cat." He again shout but got no response.

With steady and slow steps he walked behind the cottage and saw him.

"Aaishhh... Jimin hyung... Don't do that again. But what are you doing here?" He asked and walked to him carefully because the grass was too long so he decided to be careful of any other insects.

Jimin smiled at him and wipe his mouth with the back of his hand then wiped his hands with the back of his jeans.

"Yeah... I was just hungry so I want to look around for something... you know something to eat." Jimin smiled and walked to him.

Jungkook nodded and tried to see the place where was Jimin sitting.

"As you said you were searching for something to eat... outside. Are you here to eat? Literally, our refrigerator is filled with different kinds of food. By the way, what did you eat?" Jungkook said with curiosity.

Jimin growled but smiled when Jungkook saw him.

"Let's go home Jungkook. I'm hungry." Jungkook nodded and walked to the cottage without knowing that there was blood where Jimin was sitting a while ago.

"That's strange... I didn't see anyone here. Can you tell me where are all?" Jungkook asked Jimin then suddenly remembered that SeokJin called him into his room.

"Hyung I'll come then I'll make something to eat."
He quickly ran to the Namjin room, leaving behind Jimin who was no longer standing.

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