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Assalam o Alikum

Ignore the mistakes, please...

Xeeb and Hoseok were walking cautionly. They were silently walking then Hoseok shouted.

"Oh finally, we are here. This is the hotel where we stay when we reached here." Hoseok told him and they both saw the car where Hoseok spotted Namjoon and Seokjin in the car.

"Oh, here they are." He ran to the car where he see them sitting in the car.

Namjoon spotted them first.

"He's finally here." He said and quickly walked outside, Jin just pulled down the mirror of the car on his side.

Hoseok hugged Namjoon happily and smiled at Jin. Jin smiled back but soon his smile faded away when Hoseok asked the others.

"Where are others?" Hoseok asked while glancing at the back seats of the car.

Xeeb stands behind them after silently greeting them, with curiosity and wanting to know about them.

"We lost kookie..." Jin mumbled with a sad face.

"And Tae?? Where is he? Is he okay?" Hoseok asked in a panic.

"Hmm he was but right now we are praying for his safety."

Hoseok frowned so Namjoon continue to tell him.

"We lost him in hurry, we tried to leave this hotel but we couldn't.

Then we find Jungkook standing in the darkness, actually, Taehyung saw him.

He was behaving normally but... he was not our Jungkookie. So we are here to find him, in short."

"But why are you both here? Don't you both with him? He must be alone, fighting."

"Yes, you are right. But Jin got attacked earlier and he couldn't walk." Namjoon explained.

"Yeah! That's the reason he went alone inside. He wants to find Jungkook by himself because Namjoon can't carry me with him, everywhere. That's why Taehyung asked us to stay here, outside, and wait for them to come here." Jin explains while muttering sorry after that.

Hoseok face was sad. He can feel the pain and worry in Jin's voice.

"Don't feel guilty hyung. He will be alright. We are here for his help." Hoseok said and again dialed Taehyung's number.

"He is not picking up. I was calling him continuously." Hoseok told them when they saw something like that they saw a group of people in the dark woods, and he flinched.


"Oh my God. What are these things?" He said terrified then Namjoon grabbed his hand and gestured for him to sit in the car.

"Mr. Xeeb what are doing there just come and sit here. They are not people." Namjoon said but Xeeb assured him that he is fine.

"I'll be fine. They came here to stop me after listening to the verses I was reciting since my arrival here."

"But how can you fight with-" Hoseok was worried but stopped when they heard a loud crying.

"It's Tae..." Jin mumbled with horrified eyes.

Jin was trying to open the door but hissed in pain. Namjoon calmed him.

"Jin you can't walk properly just sit here," Namjoon said then Xeeb looked around.

"One of you come with me. And two stay here. I'll do something for your safety." With that, he walked around the car while murmuring the Holy words of Holy verses and made an invisible circle.

As the circle becomes complete they heard the howling and crying sounds that were too creepy to hear.

"It is the circle that I draw around the car. You will be safe here with that. Just stay in the car. No matter what you see or hear." Xeeb advised them and stands outside of the circle.

Hoseok was about to walk outside but Namjoon stopped him.

"You stay here with Jin I'll go with Xeeb."

Hoseok nodded then he left both in the car. It was almost going to be morning soon.

"Just lock the car and stay inside. Jin just tries to take a nap. You need that." Namjoon said with a smile.

"How can I sleep in this condition when my two babies and you, are inside a huge mess?" Jin said with a sad face.

"It's okay we will be back soon just stay inside no matter what happened." Jin nodded then said goodbye Xeeb and Namjoon went out of the circle.

Xeeb pulled out a black thread and blow up with some holy words and wrapped it around Namjoon's wrist.

"It will protect you from any harm. Just be brave and find him. No one will harm you if this thread lose over the wrist." Namjoon nodded and both entered the hotel from the entrance.

Taehyung was weeping, covering his mouth with his wrist, hiding under the kitchen slab, at the corner of the kitchen.

When that hand grabbed his wrist. He shouted because that hand was like burning coal on his skin.

Soon his phone rang and he saw Hoseok was calling. He take a deep breath and pushed that hand away from his wrist by kicking that and hitting the hand with the cell phone which was in his other hand.

That hand left his wrist so he quickly crawled backward, with the torch still on his mobile phone.

Then things started falling from the cabinets and shelves. He stands up and walked to the door but the door quickly closed with a loud bang.

He tried to open the door but then he felt someone present behind him.

There was standing a girl with her hair falling on his face, in a completely white dress.

He stepped back slowly while covering his mouth with his hand.

His breath was uneven and hoping that from somewhere just Jungkook popped out and he left with him.

The girl was still standing there so Tae ran to the corner and looked at the girl who was still standing there with the same pose.

He quickly ran to the corner and sat there, tried not to make a single noise. He quickly turned off his phone torch and stayed there and waited for her to left the door. But his eyes were teary.

All of the utensils were on the floor. He was flinching whenever a little thing fell.

Please... I want to live with kookie... oh God please save us... Jungkookie... be safe.

"I think he is here," Xeeb whispered to Namjoon and both went to the kitchen where they heard some noises.

"Taehyung must be scared now," Namjoon murmured but Xeeb stopped him.

"There are more than ten souls in the room. I can feel that 

just one is alive."




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