Chapter 1

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(In this fic i just want to highlight main points here that is ---

1).  The relationship between vegas and his father is normal. They do support each other.

2).   There is competition between both major and minor family.

3).   Pete and Vegas are in secret relationship.
( Oops is it a spoiler? Nevermind, you already know guys , by reading the title of the fic 😉).)

So enjoy everyone.

(TW:Just A little mature content in the beginning only, it will be start and end with 🔞 so if you're uncomfortable just skip it).

Pete pov:

I was in Vegas room, minor mansion.


Pete :" Ahhhh.... It hurts ahhhh ..."

Vegas:" Ahhhhhh... Just hang on little bit more."

He was on top of me.

Pete:" Vegas...... fuck.. ahhhhhh..... yes right there ahhhhhh.... keep fucking right there ahhhhh.... ahhhhh....."

Vegas:" ahhhhh.... pete you're so tight uhhhhhh.."

He started thrusting faster and kissed me.

Pete: "Aahhhhhhhh..... Vegas I'm about to cum.. uhhh"".

Vegas:" me too, ahhhhh....."

After few more thrusts,We both came together. Vegas laid beside me and kissed my temple.


After few minutes i got up from bed and get dressed.

Vegas:" Are you going right now? Please stay na, a little bit more."

Pete:" I can't, it's already too late. Many of the bodyguards might have woken up by now and if they saw me coming from outside at this hour, I'll get in trouble."

Vegas:" Don't worry. Even if Kinn fire you, I'm here. I'll hire you. Be my bodyguard then."

Pete:" Only bodyguard?"

Vegas:" Only at first, but if you say yes then i can be your husband and you can be my wife."

Pete:" Wife my foot, why would I be that?"

Vegas :" Don't you wanna marry me?"

Pete:" Who said I'd marry you?"

I started to leave from the room , when Vegas grabbed my hand and pinned me on the wall.

Vegas;" Why, won't you marry me?"

Pete:" I was kidding vegas. Leave me I'm already getting late."

Vegas:" First of all answer me and then I'll leave you."

Pete:" What do you mean by wife, I'd be husband too. Got it, now leave me ."
His grip became loose over my hands.

Vegas:" You're mine Pete, remember that always."

He kissed my neck and then my lips.i kissed him back.

Pete:" Vegas , enough. I have to go now."

Vegas:" Should I drop you?"

Pete:" No. If anyone sees you then I'll be in trouble. You stay here. I can go by myself."

I came out of minor mansion and got in car.

Pete:" Go back now. Byee"

Vegas:" Yeah bye. I'll miss you."

Secret lovers (Vegaspete ff)Where stories live. Discover now