Chapter 10

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Pete pov:

P:" W.....What? "

I can't believe what he said. What if i misheard it?

Por:" I love Vegas and he loves me too."

P:" P...... Porsche, you might be kidding, right?"

Por:" Nooooo, I'm serious. I wanted to share my secret with you. In this mansion, it's only you whom i can trust."

I still can't believe what i heard.

P:" You're talking about Khun Vegas, right? He doesn't like anyone from major family. He had the habit of flirting. He might tried to flirt with you. I think you might have mistaken it as love."

It can't be true. Porsche might have mistaken.

Por:" No Pete. He confessed it to me that he loves me."

P:" He said it to you?"

My world collapsed when i heard it. I wanted to scream. This can't be true. Did Vegas really confessed it to him? But he did confessed to me . it was me who confessed to him but he accepted it. I know Vegas, he can't lie to me.

Por:" Yes. He said it. And it's been a month that we're dating ."

P:" A m.....month?"

Por:" Arm and Pol always ask me where you're going every weekend? I was afraid to tell to you guys because every weekend i go to spend time with Vegas."

P:" That means Whenever we.....we are having our day off, you always went with him. "

And he told me that he was busy with some work.

Por:" Hmmm. And do you remember a day Before his birthday when you met me near at floral shop and you asked was anyone there with me here. Earlier i didn't tell you. I thought you caught me with him. I got scared."

P:" that night, he came to meet you. He was with his bike, right?"

Por:" Yes, i love bikes , so he took me for a long drive. Wait did you really saw him with me? "

So that night he was not here for me. He was there to drop him at the mansion.

P:" i only saw him. He was going back."

Por:" Pete, i do love him and he loves me too. It was such a burden for me to keep this secret with myself. Now i feel so relieved."

My heart was hurting so much. A tear escaped from my eyes😢.

Por:" Aii Pete, What happened to you? Are you crying?"

I quickly wiped my tears.

P:" N....No , something was itching in my eyes."

Por:" Oh ok, but Pete don't tell anyone about this . Not even to Vegas. He'll be angry with me if he finds out that i told you."

P:" I...i won't tell."

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