Chapter 7

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Hey guys , here's the entry of a new character Poom. ( He was in the Thai show Praomook).

So lets begin.


Vegas pov:

The next morning i immediately went to Tawan house. I know he is the one who sent those pictures at my house. He is still in contact with Kinn. What if he said about Pete to him.

As soon as I reached his house. I saw him standing at the main door. I went near and called his name. 

"Tawan". He looked at me and hugged me. I didn't hug him back.

T:" I missed you so much. Finally you're here."🤗

V:" Stop it and tell me why you sent those pictures at my house ."🤬

I pushed him away.

T:"😩 I sent those pictures at your house so that I can meet you. Look now you're here. I did all this because of that. You never received my calls and whenever I go to your house the bodyguards doesn't let me enter. So i had to do it."

I punched him at his face and he falls down.

V:" Are you stupid? Next time if you dare to do anything like this, i will come to kill you ."

He got up and wiped the blood from his side cheek.

Tawan:" Yah, you don't have to hit me that hard. "

V:" How dare you stalk me?"

T:" I missed you. But you were avoiding me. So i had to do it , for you to pay attention to me ."

I was so angry at him.

V:" What you want from me?"

T:" You know what i want. You"

V:" I already told you. For me you just a fuck toy. So know your place and stop messing up with me."

T:" So you're really in love with him , right? What if kinn came to know about that?"

V:" Shut the fuck up! Who is going to tell him? You! And even if Kinn came to know about me and Pete. He can't do anything to me. But i will make sure that you won't see the next day."😏

T:" Yah, just stop it Vegas. Why would I tell him? I don't care , you can love anyone i won't disturb you. I just want you to focus on me too. I need you too."

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