Chapter 27

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Pete pov:

My head was hurting a lot. When I woke up, I was in my room, but I had no memory of how I got there. The last thing I remember is that I was at the bar, drinking and dancing. Other than that, I don't remember anything.

Just then, I saw Porsche coming out of the bathroom.

Pete :"Hey Porsche, how did we get home last night? I can't remember anything."

Porsche: "Big brought you guys home. You were the one who called him, I think."

Pete: "I don't remember anything."

Porsche: "Get up quickly and get ready. Let's go for breakfast. Everyone is waiting for us there."

I quickly got up and started getting ready. After that, we went to have breakfast. When we arrived, Arm , Pol and everyone were sitting there. Big and Ken were sitting in the seats next to ours. When I sat in my seat, i looked at Big, he was smiling at me. And it wasn't just me who noticed it, everyone did.

Arm: "Hey Pete, do you remember anything from yesterday? Today, Big was asking about your well-being. Did you do something yesterday?"

Pete: "I don't remember anything at all."

Pol : "Then why is he smiling so much?"

I started ignoring everything and concentrated on my food. Just then, Big called me out.

Big: "Pete, how are you now? Yesterday, I have no idea what you were saying. Only I know how I brought you home. It was so difficult for me to handle you."

When Big said this, everyone started looking at me.

Pete: "What did I even say?"

Big: "You don't remember anything from yesterday?"

Pete: "No, tell me. I didn't say anything wrong, did I?"

Big: "If you don't remember, it's fine. It's better if you forget about it."

Pete: "Did I say something embarrassing?"

Big: "Yes, you did. But it's okay. It's good you don't remember. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

I was trying to understand what he was getting at when Pol couldn't hold back.

Pol: "This is unfair, Big. You should tell us what Pete did."

Big: "I don't want to embarrass Pete. But if you really want to know, Pete, you should ask khun Vegas. He'll tell you."

Vegas? Was Vegas at the bar last night? Why can't I remember anything?
Before I could say anything, Arm and Pol shouted together, "Khun Vegas?"

Big: "Why are you all shouting?"

Pete: "Big, do you mean that Khun Vegas was there last night?"

Big: "Yes, you don't remember that either?"

Pete: "No, I only remember dancing with you all, after that, nothing."

Big wasn't telling me anything. I started feeling strange, wondering what I might have said in a drunken state. I quickly finished my breakfast and got up from there, returning to my room. I checked my phone to see if I had said something wrong somewhere. But there was nothing like that on my phone. However, I did receive a message from Vegas this morning.

Vegas: "Let me know when you are ready. I will come to pick you up."

Just this message was enough to make my morning good. But still, Big's words were swirling in my mind. What did I say? And when Vegas came, did I say something in front of him?

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