Chapter 24

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Vegas pov:

I reached main family mansion the next morning. Tawan was nowhere to be found.
I don't want to talk to any of my cousins and tried to reach to Pete's room. But my luck is so bad that the first person I met was Tankhun.

Tan:" What are you doing here?"

V:" I wanted to meet Kinn. "

Tan:" Kinn's office is that way. Did you forget the direction? This way leads to bodyguards headquarters."

V:" i know. But I thought let me meet you first, brother as you never leave your bodyguards alone. Btw, why are you alone? Where are your bodyguards?"

Tan:" I wake up early for a walk. I need some time to spend alone too."

V:" Are you not afraid if someone kidnaps you again?"

Tankhun got irritated and that is where I won the argument. He was about to hit me. But Pete and Porsche came on time and they grabbed his hands to stop hitting me.

Por:" This is not the right thing to do first in the morning."

Pete:" Khun No, calm down."

Tan:" Leave my hands. I wanted to punch this guy."

Pete:" Khun Vegas, Khun Kinn is in the office. You can meet him there."

Tan:" Aii Pete, leave me."

The clown was arguing with both of them. I went to Kinn's office. I entered his office and sat on the seat near him. He was looking at me.

Kinn,:" What brings you here so early in the morning?"

I came here for Pete but I got caught so I'm here Instead.

Vegas:" I wanted to meet Tawan and You to check at the progress of the case."

Kinn:" We'll let you know whenever we'll discuss about it."

I think it's the right time for me to start my plan.

Vegas:" By the way Kinn, do you think we can trust Tawan?"

Kinn:" Yes, uncle yam especially assigned him for this case."

V:" how do Uncle know about him?"

K:" I don't know . I never asked him. He told that he will be specially working in this case. He might have looked into his background first before completely trusting him."

V:" I don't get the right feeling about him."

K:" what do you mean?"

V:" do you know where is Tawan right now?"

K:" he might be in his room."

V:" No, he is not in the mansion."

As usual kinn doesn't believe my words and he asked his bodyguards to check where is Tawan. After sometime they came back saying that they didn't found him anywhere in the mansion.

K:" where can he go at this hour? I strictly informed him that he couldn't leave mansion without my permission. It was Uncle Yams order."

V:" see I told you. I don't trust that guy."

K:" Should we inform uncle about it? but before that I would like to ask Tawan where was he?"

V:" No Kinn. We shouldn't give him the hint that we doubt him right now. Let him come first and then I will talk to him and ask him in the way where he won't doubt us."

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