Chapter 17

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Pete pov:

I was sitting in the dining hall, eating breakfast with Arm, Pol and Porsche.

Arm:" Do you guys have any plans for tomorrow?"

Pol:" I am going to sleep whole day."

Arm:" You lazy ass."

Pol:" We only get a single day off. So i want to sleep properly."

Arm:" You're going to join me. What about you two?"

Tomorrow I'll be going to meet Vegas. But i can't tell them.

Pete:" I have to go to meet a friend."

Pol:" Pete, is it that bakery friend of yours? You hang out with him so much. You don't spend time with us now. Are you sure he is only your friend?"

Pete:" Yes he's just a friend. And i promised to help him out in his work. So I'll be busy."

Pol:" What about you Porsche?"

Por:" I have to attend a meeting tomorrow with Kinn."

Pete:" What meeting? We don't know about it."

Por:" You guys have a day off. So Kinn doesn't want to ruin your plans. It will be me , Big and Ken with Kinn. Meeting will be Here only. In the meeting hall. Tawan asked both of the families to join."

Pete:" You mean minor family will also be here. But why?"

Vegas asked me to meet him tomorrow. If he's going to come here that means our meeting is cancelled. But he didn't tell me.

Por:" Tawan had to say something. I don't know what."

Arm:" Khun Yam has asked him to look for the evidences. Maybe he find some clue."

Por:" Yes it can be but Khun Yam won't be here."

What does Tawan wants to show? Is it really the evidence. But Vegas said that he destroyed everything.

We ate our breakfast and went to the room.

Por:" Pete, come fast . Kinn has to go somewhere and we both have to gaurd him."

Pete:" Porsche, i have to ask you something."

Por:" Say?"

Pete:" You told me that when everyone went to Christine's funeral, you were here and heard what i and Vegas talked about?"

Por:" Yaa so."

Pete:" That means you know about Christine......"

Por:" That it was a murder."

Damn he knew.

Por:" But don't worry. I won't tell to anyone. He deserves to die. I wanted to Kill him the day he molested you. But because of Kinn, i didn't. I'm proud of you. "

Pete;" But ....... I'm afraid. Why Tawan wants to meet him? What evidence did he found out?"

Por:" Relax Pete. I'll be there. I'll tell you why he came and What he found. I'm going to handle everything. Don't get stressed."

Although Porsche assured me. But i was scared.

Por:" Let's go. Kinn might be waiting."

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