Chapter 20

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Vegas pov:

When Pete told me that Tawan is staying at the main family house, I wanted to know what is he up to. But it would not be possible to talk about it inside the major family house. We need to talk about in isolation where no one can hear us.

I tried to contact Tawan again but he always ignored my calls. I wanted to go to major mansion and drag that bastard out but I don't want anyone to get suspicious of me.

The next Sunday, meeting was held again and Tawan again mentioned me and kinn to be present. So I went. I expected that Tawan would expose either me or Pete. But during the entire meeting We only talked about the business that Christine handled and the meeting got over.

I and Pete were stressed on what he was about to say. But he only talked about the business.

V:" Tawan, did you have to just talk about this?"

T:" Yes , why?"

V:" You could have discussed about this in the last meeting. I thought it's something important you find out about Christine's death. If it was only this you could have discussed it in the last meeting without me."

T:" Don't you think it was important?"

He smirked while looking at me. This guy knows what he is doing. He is trying to mess with me and Pete.

Kinn:" Tawan I also thought that it would be related with Christine's murder ."

T:" I am so sorry. I thought it will be important for both of you to know about his deals because you both are only going to manage it, right ? I don't want any partiality to be done . You both should decide what you have to manage. "

Kinn:" o..k... Yes, you're right. It was important too."

T:" Offcourse it was."

I can't tolerate him. I wanted to leave meeting hall .

V:"  If the meeting is over , i would like to go now."

I got up from my seat.

T:" Vegas, why are you in such a hurry?"

I turned to look at him.

V:" I'm busy today ."

T:" let's have lunch together."

V:" No , it's fine."

I picked my phone from the table and started to walk towards the exit door.

T:" Kinn, can you ask Pete to bring me a glass of water."

I stopped moving. I know he was doing it on purpose. I don't fucking care whatever games he is playing with me. But i don't want Pete to get involve with him because of me. So i returned back to where kinn was sitting.

T:" Oh, what happened Vegas? Did you forget anything here?"

I ignored him and said to kinn.

V:" Kinn , i think I'm feeling hungry. I hope you won't mind if i join you?"

T:" You don't want to join a minute ago?"

V:" I didn't ask you. "

Kinn:" Cool down, you both. I thought you guys are friends."

T:' yes we are."

V : " No we are not."

We both said at the same time.

Kinn:" O..k.. alright. I guess .. I was mistaken."

T:" ohh I'm feeling so thirsty. Can you ask Pe......."

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